I thought I’d make a log to help with accountability, and if anyone ends up reading it and wants to offer feedback that would be great. I’m a long time lurker here but this is the first post I’ve ever made.
I’m 21, 5’11", 193lbs up from 180 or so a year ago. I took up lifting after trying out Rowing and then Crossfit for a while, and have been focusing on weights for about 9 months now. I’m at college, and my current plan is scheduled around my classes. Looks roughly like this:
Monday: Squats
Tuesday: Off
Wednesday: Snatch Grip High Pull
Thursday: Off
Friday: Bench Press
Saturday: Farmer’s Walk
Sunday: Power Clean and Push Press
I’m going for a one lift a day kind of program, inspired by both Dan John and CTs Layer system on here, with my own particular bastardization thrown in. I ramp each exercise to max (other than Farmer’s Walks), then do some heavy doubles at 90% of max, then do 10-15 sets of every minute on the minute work at a lower weight and/or a complex at a light weight.
Current maxes in each and goals:
Squat: Current: 225 Goal: 315
Snatch Grip High Pull: Current: 195 Goal: 225
Bench Press: Current: 235 Goal: 315
Clean and Push Press: Current: 175 Goal: 195
Farmer’s Walk: Current: 70lb dumbbells one lap around gym Goal: 100lb dumbbells one lap around gym