Friday Night Problem

I have this issue.

Every friday night, something hijacks my body and the gods require a tribute of beer and pizza, and lots of it.

Throughout the week my diet is very solid, and im pretty good about doing the right thing.

how much havok is this causing my body, or worse, how badly does it affect my gains?

How can anyone answer a question like that for YOU? If you feel quilty about it and dislike your progress than it’s obviously not helping.

[quote]ronaldo7 wrote:
How can anyone answer a question like that for YOU? If you feel quilty about it and dislike your progress than it’s obviously not helping.[/quote]

Sorry, I just wanted to know if there were any possible testosterone effect from the beer, or bodies physical state. Are either beer or pizza known to be catabolics?

Im sorry, i guess i should have phrased it better

It depends on your goals, man. Are you trying to cut up or are you trying to put on some size? If you’re trying to put on some size, then don’t stress about it too much. However, if you’re trying to cut, then I think this kind of cheating is a mistake. You can get away with it from time to time, but dirty cheats I think are counter-productive.

Look, I love beer and pizza as much as the next guy, but when I’m trying to cut up a little…big mistake.

being cut isn’t my thing. When I deploy, I want to be the biggest scariest looking guy around, so fuckers are afraid to shoot at me and my guys.

thanks vader

No prob. Yeah, if you aren’t concerned about being cut and you want to be big, then have your pizza and beer. Life’s too short. Enjoy it!

On a personal note, sometimes my best workouts are the day following a night of pizza and beer. They are full from all the carbs I had the night before. Take advantage of that.

[quote]TeufelHundren wrote:
ronaldo7 wrote:
How can anyone answer a question like that for YOU? If you feel quilty about it and dislike your progress than it’s obviously not helping.

Sorry, I just wanted to know if there were any possible testosterone effect from the beer, or bodies physical state. Are either beer or pizza known to be catabolics?

Im sorry, i guess i should have phrased it better[/quote]

Yes, beer contains alcohol and alcohol seems to drop your t-levels as it also decreases your bodies ability to burn fat. Pizza can’t be seen as “good” or “bad” since some people can get away with it. Everything is about individualism.

[quote]ronaldo7 wrote:

Yes, beer contains alcohol and alcohol seems to drop your t-levels as it also decreases your bodies ability to burn fat. Pizza can’t be seen as “good” or “bad” since some people can get away with it. Everything is about individualism. [/quote]

I would classify pizza is bad…I dont need a lecture good sir, I just wanted to super nutrition pros on here to let me know of any chemical effects that these may have on myself, thanks for the input on the alcohol, thats what I was looking for

The answer I’ve always heard repeated is that alocohol will essentially inhibit your body’s production of GH for up to 48 hours. SOOOO, any training you’ve done the past few days, that your body is currently recovering and trying to makes gains from, will be for naught. Calorie wise, an occassional beer or pizza wont kill you (that whole ‘beer gut’ nonsense is bullshit if you ask me), but you have to ask yourself just what results you want, and how hard you’re willing to work for them. If you’re content with the gains you’ve gotten, and want to enjoy your lifestyle of pizza and drinking on weekends, then by all means go ahead. There’s nothing wrong with that. Personally, I’ve never been a big drinker, so it was never a decision for me, and for pizza? Well, if I keep it to my weekend ‘cheat’, it doesn’t even affect my cutting diet :slight_smile:


[quote]The Mighty Stu wrote:
The answer I’ve always heard repeated is that alocohol will essentially inhibit your body’s production of GH for up to 48 hours. SOOOO, any training you’ve done the past few days, that your body is currently recovering and trying to makes gains from, will be for naught.

I seriously doubt that drinking alcohol will mean you have no results from the training from the previous few days, or even after.

Plenty guys drink to get drunk many nights of the week and still make progress - some of them half decent. Your age will be a factor too, naturally. Alcohol will have a bad effect no doubt, but unless you are getting absolutely wasted every night it’s not going to make a HUGE difference. Studies may say this and that, but I’ve seen more than enough people who don’t give a shit about their diets make plenty progress in the gym.

Everything in moderation.

Well, then here’s one for livin’ it up. cheers

Thanks gents

You wont be on your deathbed wishing you spent more time in the gym. Keep things in perspective and you’ll be a better man for it!


You’ll be alright, I find it harder to diet down if I do the Friday splurge because I miss eating those certain foods.

Just want you guys to know that i toasted to y’all last night. Thanks for the advice, long health and good gains to all.