[quote]pat wrote:
PRCalDude wrote:
SteelyD wrote:
PRCalDude wrote:
Fox is the Republican outlet and every other media outlet is the arm of the Obama administration.
I don’t believe this at face value. Again, I think it’s more that people have become so complacent with the softball standard that the major outlets (sans FOX) apply to Liberal (for lack of a better term) political positions that FOX stands out so much.
It’s the old ‘boil a dog slowly’. People have been slowly boiling and accepting CBSNBCABCPBSCNNMSNBC as gospel not realizing how long they’ve been immersed and desensitized. It’s the Voice of Saruman for sure (some will get the reference).
Along comes FOX with an ounce of questioning and all of a sudden people are screaming that they’re covering for Republicans.
That’s not why. They carry water for the Republicans. Hannity does it all the time on his radio show.
Fox news isn’t so much Republican as it is neocon - all Israel, all the time, and ever more war. That’s basically what the last 8 years of the Bush administration were - neocon. Social liberalism, fiscal drunkenness, and war, war and more war while telling us how peaceful our enemies are. And obsession with Israel b/c the Jewish neocons and evangelicals have it built into their ethnicity and theology, respectively.
I couldn’t believe Fox gave Huckabee a show. That was about it for me. He’s the guy that liberals can rightly point to and complain about the Christian right. His theology is abysmal and he basically joined the ministry as a spring-board into politics.
I find no value in any of the news outlets, but at least MSNBC gets Pat Buchanan on there from time-to-time.
We need a channel that’s nothing but Pat Buchanan. That would truly be dissent.
You have to make a distinction between opinion programing and what is being presented as “The News”. Yes, Fox’s programing is right wing in as much as CNN’s programing it left wing. But news is news.
Gays march all the damn time, it’s really not a big deal…Getting conservatives to protest is a much bigger deal because the last time conservative people protested in any magnitude, was the late 18th century
We need a Buchanan channel. All Buchanan, all the time. And STeve Sailer. We need a channel that the limp-wristed liberals would consider to be filled with wild-eyed racists. PeeCee is killing us, and Fox News really does little to combat it.
I am happy that some outlet will actually give air time to Breitbart’s stuff. I think Glenn Beck has enormous utility in pissing off the libs, but he needs to tone down the hyperbole and start presenting more hatefacts about black and Mexican crime and welfare usage - crap that matters to a taxpayer like me.