
Okay, I was going to never bring any of this up, and let Jason Baran slip quietly into obscurity, but he insists or bringing attention to himself, and several people, unfortunately, seem to support/feel sorry for him. Agirl, I’m with you, I find his views to be close-minded (although some think that he is “open-minded” since his views differ so radically from the “mainstream”), highly racist and angering. Do I think him stupid? Certainly not. A fool? Yes! To the point of this post, due to boredom (partially, and an intense dislike on the other), I decided to track down the origins of Mr. Baran’s singular, yet utterly uncompelling version of history and resultant twists of logic. The source, it would seem (as several searches using many of the quotes he offers here came to this one site), is the National Alliance, a disgusting organization based on hate. Mr. Baran, if you have no affiliation with this association, then I truly apologize; however, I believe that I am correct. To all of you “t-forumers”, please peruse the natvan site. Afterwards, I believe that no one will want to hear anything Jason has to say.