From the kinder and gentler whopper: Guys and girls, picking on Jason and his misguided ideas does not help the issue. Whereas before I would have joined you in your blatant flaming of him, as a few of you know, I have seen the error in my ways. Therefore I ask you to look at Jason with sympathy, not with malice. Consider that his sexist attack on the female posters here is a sign of a deeper issue. Perhaps he has felt rejected by women most of his life…perhaps, even more distressing, even by his own mother when he was an infant. Therefore for us to attack him, we are not helping him, but actually being enablers of his continued rage towards women. I ask all of you to think of ways we can help this poor misguided soul, and bring him closer to his fellow t-people rather than pushing him away…which is probably a common theme in his life that has resulted in the person he is today. Once again, I hope I have offended no one by this post…and deeply apologize if I have. K.G. Whopper