Form check - how many reps do I count?

So I clearly need to work on conditioning - starting the prowler work tonight!

In the meantime, how many reps do I count here? I’m having to take breathers and the bar speed seems to slow. But is it too slow? Would you count 5, 8 or 9??? I don’t mind taking off weight until I can do them all faster…

The bar stays on your back, and you weren’t cutting the reps high; those for sure all count


Start taking a huge breath in and make your stomach as big as possible to brace your core before your squat reps. Even if you breathe in between reps, you need to take a huge breath with a belly full of air before you squat down. I also would encourage you to keep that first huge breath that you took before your first squat die as many reps as possible before you take another breath. Just always make sure you reset and get that big breath before you do another rep. It’ll make you a stronger squatter and help save your lower back.


think you meant ‘do’ …hmm but then again.

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Hahaha for sure man. If you ain’t dying’ You ain’t tryin’!

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What’s the reasoning behind rest-pausing or turning your all your sets into breathing cluster sets? Aren’t you the same poster that had the huge breaks between deadlifts too?

IMO you’d be much better off keeping a consistent-ish tempo and stopping the set once you lose it. Do an extra set or 2 if you are worried about overall volume. You’d be much better off in the long run doing this same weight for 3 sets of 5, OR doing sets of 8-10 with lighter weights (for now).

On top of taking over a minute to complete 9 reps, you spend a good 10 sec taking like 9 steps back and forth before you even start your first descent. That is ALOT of unnecessary extra demand on your core and diaphragm and is certainly limiting your strength potential. Think about it, before you even start your 6th rep your core is already fatigued from bracing and doing an isometric hold. It seems like there’s a lack of confidence with the weight and it would suit you much more for now to work on some strength-skill. Just 2 or 3 confident steps out of the rack, brace, drop, accelerate the weight up. Once this rhythm is disrupted, rack the bar.


Thanks. No reason other than I’m out of breath. I used to see stars when I squatted or deadlifted so just being out of breath is an improvement!

I think you realize this already, but you shouldn’t be out of breath after the 4th or 5th rep on a set of squats.

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