Basically this.
Personally for me, keep in mind that I’m not good in the Olympic Lifts in any way and I’m still very much a novice, I would do them them in such a way that it mimics the actual lift it is a variation of. When I first started, which was from scratch and not too long ago, I would pay special attention to my hip positioning/where I was looking/basically all the minor details.
here is an example of what I mean. If it wasn’t for the name in the title, you might think she was going to do the snatch instead of a snatch high pull.
some of the cues I use are…
Slow is smooth and smooth is fast
High, high pull
keep the bar close to you
drop under the bar
weight towards the middle to back of the foot
eyes straight forward, up about 30 degrees
point your wrists down before you initate the pull
on top of this, I started off by using weights that were ridiculously light, like lighter than a weight I can muscle snatch up to work on said form. It’s in my belief that when its only when you look like you can perform the lift adequately, should you start adding weight.
I would suggest you start with just the classical lifts first and work on them till you can do them smooth. The weight on the bar is irrelevant for now. Do expect some loss from strength. It took me several months before my lifts started looking like I knew what I was doing so keep at it!
keep in mind that I’m not qualified in any way and I’m only replying because you invited me here haha, I would like to know if any of the rest of y’all more experienced lifters would agree with me.