For everyone thinking to start TRT with Nebido/Aveed

Hello guys


I’m a 36 year old corpo slave that’s been suffering from low testosterone for several years now, I believe my issues stem from Abusing steroids starting when I was 19 years old for blasts up to 5grams EW for periods of up to a year at times, during that time I would pop dianabol as fruity loops as well together with Halotestin to spice things up…as you can tell I wasn’t really the sharpest knife in the drawer as young…to keep a long story short, I wisened up one day and went on a 3 month long taper PCT with nolva, clomid and HCG…initially the testicles were nice and plump and libido was ok…

well somewhere along the way…life happened…I got a corporate job in IT support which took all of my time…and Gym became something of the past…a good 7 years passed since I last touched any anabolics of any kind…until…first recently I got full blown ED…a tire around the midsection…back pain, sluggishness, irritability…musce weakness ( all of the typical low T symptoms) so I thought dang, maybe I should try to get healthy again and start dieting and exercising…I did and for a good 6 months I was on a caloric deficit and trained 5 days a week…and only lost 6lbs!! now here is where together with DOMS that lasted for a week, after every lifting session…I figured something must be messed up hormonally…so I went and did a bloodtest which confirmed my suspicions… on a range of 280-1100 ng/dl testosterone mine was at 208

a couple of more blood tests confirmed the same.

I managed to get NEBIDO as a TRT ( only available option) and my Endocrinologist seems semi-competent…hes thinking to place me on a every 8 week injection instead of the typical 14 weeks…which would equate to a 125 mg test/week.

Now I understand, NEBIDO takes heckuva time to build up in the system…and I see unfortunately lots of people complaining about it on the forums ( the satisfied ones are probably too busy living life to the max) thats why I have decided to start a little journal here with weekly updates on how I feel. first injection was 10 days ago and next blood test will be done in 8 weeks from now followed with blood tests every 2 months

Week 1-2:
I’ve slowly started to gain some very, very light energy back from having been in total fatigue entire days at work previously.
I get double the ammount of work done compared as to before (however still no mega bursts of energy and crazy libido I used to have on AAS cycles…) I will be realistic and understand considering I’m on Nebido…it’s most likely all placebo except for some small increases in well being as Im far away still from having reached steady state levels

please stay tuned for week 3.


Small update. Since Nebido will take some time to reach steady state. I have decided to do a 50mg clomid every 3 days, just to keep the pituitary firing for as long as possible, atleast until the inevitable shutdown of the testicles happen, this to not run on a completely empty tank until the testosterone kicks in. I have a very hectic schedule at work and exercising on the few days off, i cant afford to be like a zombie for 3 months. The spacing between the clomid should be fine to avoid any of the clomid sides

Why not pin it even more often with smaller doses? It can only be a good thing right and lead to more stable levels. I read somewhere people reporting that this was the best trt option they had ever experienced

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Because it’s nebido. Google the half life.

Considering i just started the TRT protocol, its in my interest to keep my T levels “lowish” until the first bloodwork is due in midmarch, because that will be the 2.5 month mark, and my doctor told me if its low by then , he will allow me to go on a e8 week injection interval and the blood tests would be less frequent (spaced every six months apart) this would allow me to do more frequent injections like 250mg e2w , however if first blood test since start of TRT comes back…im sure my doc will realize im going against his instructions on the injection interval and might perhaps even cut me off TRT altogether…

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I think this a good idea.

But even so, don’t you believe pinning say every week 100mg of nebido would stabilize his levels more than pinning every 2-3 months a huge dose?

alternative to waiting like a month for it to build up to concentration:

Just double your dose for your first pin.

You were prescribed 125mg/wk so slam 250mg on week 1, then back to 125mg/wk for week 2 and onwards.

you’re early enough in this process that you’re probably fine to do this regardless. 250mg isn’t exactly a “high” dose, all things considered.

Yes but then there’s no point in using it in the first place if you’re going to inject weekly. Its purpose is for people who don’t like to pin and/or is usually prescribed by docs who pin their patients… NHS etc. I suppose if he has the option to do it sure why not, but then again if he had options, don’t choose Nebido.

He did clarify that he’s pinning himself after my first post so I agree if this is his only doc option, his only Testosterone option, etc start pinning more often. I kind of assumed the way he kept saying Nebido he was in Europe as it’s Aveed in the US.

I am very familiar with the long half life. But many people are pinning it ew or e2w, smaller quantities. And reporting it’s better than pinning test-e or test cyp (they feel better)

Search on Google if you want to see their experiences

Also read his original post, he says Nebido is the only option he has. So it’s all about context :grin:

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See my post above. I’m not saying you’re wrong, but it’s not the purpose of Undecanote. That’s all I was getting at. If you’re going to pin more often seek better options.

Read his original post, he doesn’t have any other options

"I managed to get NEBIDO as a TRT ( only available option) "

If he’s in Europe no, if he’s in the US theres always other options.

Dude, I’m agreeing with you. I’m just reading the context as this Endo is only providing this option. It’s like going to a bad cancer doc in the USA and saying well his plan is my only option. Seek another Endo or go to a men’s clinic like Defy.

Further I was treated by an Endo at first, not the greatest so I switched providers. Also if you’re going to get technical he said his only option was to pin at the frequency he shared too. ONLY OPTION

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Yeah but did you read his original post though?

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:rofl: you’re the best dude

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So just to clarify guys, I’m an european expat worker based in Qatar, we are atleast a decade behind you Americans when it comes to TRT, just like the europeans and the aussies. Doctors here are very much hostile to the idea of Testosterone , first doctor i went to is a world class urologist with a phd from USA and he kept cutting me off while im speaking as if Im a beggar with leprosy in his office, despite me being on 200 ng/dl test levels , he kept agressively insisting its due to bodyfat , No F*s given about that for some strange reason, All of the bodyfat being stored ONLY around my midsection and rest of the body skinny (think of the klinefelter syndrome type of body) , that im on a 1000 cal deficit and regularly exercising… zero libido and ED etc etc…even though i just politely disagreed with him, it was enough to set him off on A stampede, he stormed out of his office and shouted to his assistant nurse and all the folks waiting in the line outside " I DoNT KnOW wHaT This GuY wANtS from Me?!? He InsisTs he waNTs TesTosteRone!!! Like a woman on her menstruation making a drama and scandal for me…next urologist I went to…was a lot less agresive but he kept insisting on the same and just referred me to the endocrinologist that as well kept insisting on the same…this is just to give you an insight in which nightmare health care is outside of the USA when it comes to TRT. Funny how in just three weekson TRT im down 9lbs already…this on the same exercise and diet pre TRT…go figure

Unfortunately Nebido is the only available option here, they used to have Sustanon which in my opinion is amazing ( used to use it when younger on my AAS cycles) but for some reason there is a supply issue

I suspected as much as stated above. Yeah it truly sucks what your options are. I think your plan was sound above and quote here…

Stick with the script at first and then after your initial evals start pinning more frequently.

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