do they allow you to arch your back, widen your grip, and retract your shoulders for the bench press in football combines?
i think as long as it touches your chest and your ass doesn’t leave the bench you are ok…how many reps at 225 can you get?
As long as it touches your chest. I saw a guy doing 3/4 reps once and got away with it. Pissed me off.
thx for the info. i don’t know how many reps i can get. im not preparing for the combine, it’s just one of my goals to get 225 for the most reps possible. if i bench PL style i get about a two inch range of motion.
Have you seen the NFL Bench Press Competition on Pro Bowl Weekend? They were not even CLOSE to lockout, they pretty much just touched the bar to their chest and bounced it halfway up.
are you kidding? that’s absurd.
one of my mission’s in life now is to achieve 225x100…hey, it’ll be easy. especially if they allow crappy form and PL style.
wufwguy, now you’re the joker, 225x100? I don’t care how sloppy the form is, it just ain’t happenin’
I found that the higher my max was, the more reps…which is obvious now, but now when i was just coming out of high school.
Once I tried training for the event by doing reps with 230 and I actually lost a quite a few reps.
Got tested a year later and did much better when working on max only.
[quote]vandalay15 wrote:
wufwguy, now you’re the joker, 225x100? I don’t care how sloppy the form is, it just ain’t happenin’[/quote]
we’ll see who the joker is a couple years form now when me, my moster triceps, and my two-inch ROM do what they do most certainly well!
i bet mendelson could get 225x100.
[quote]wufwugy wrote:
vandalay15 wrote:
wufwguy, now you’re the joker, 225x100? I don’t care how sloppy the form is, it just ain’t happenin’
we’ll see who the joker is a couple years form now when me, my moster triceps, and my two-inch ROM do what they do most certainly well!
I saw the ProBowl bench competition too. I couldn’t believe what they counted for reps. and the announcers didn’t notice or say anything.
Does the NFL Combine have higher standards?
While on the subject, what is the record for reps @ 225,anyone know?
[quote]Major Dan wrote:
I saw the ProBowl bench competition too. I couldn’t believe what they counted for reps. and the announcers didn’t notice or say anything.
Does the NFL Combine have higher standards?
yeah…I say the ProBowl bench thing on TV too…
guys were doing half reps, slamming the bar on their chest then bouncing up…
seems like anything was counted as a rep…
I saw a guy get credited with 30+ reps and not one was any good…pathetic…
The NFL Combine, the official one in Indianapolis, you havta touch your chest and come to a complete lockout. They count out loud, and more than 1 athlete has heard “6, 7, 8, 8, 8…”, if they don’t completely lock it out (bouncing is fine as long as your shoulders and ass stay on the bench). Very demoralizing.
[quote]MR MARINE wrote:
While on the subject, what is the record for reps @ 225,anyone know?[/quote]
I think it’s 50 reps, the fullback from UMass that Defranco is training is trying to break it.
I saw some of the bench press on the combine this morning on TV, but I wasn’t paying attention to the details.
[quote]john p wrote:
The NFL Combine, the official one in Indianapolis, you havta touch your chest and come to a complete lockout. They count out loud, and more than 1 athlete has heard “6, 7, 8, 8, 8…”, if they don’t completely lock it out (bouncing is fine as long as your shoulders and ass stay on the bench). Very demoralizing.[/quote]
this is correct. don’t take the probowl bench comp as a demo.
this is also the same way in college, you can arch your back, ass can’t leave the bench, no shoulders off either. Also, they test us twice, with a 5 minute break inbetween sets (atleast in college)
[quote]Bulldawgcountry wrote:
Have you seen the NFL Bench Press Competition on Pro Bowl Weekend? They were not even CLOSE to lockout, they pretty much just touched the bar to their chest and bounced it halfway up.[/quote] Yeah I couldn’t believe
it. But remember - that was totally for fun. It wasn’t a real competition. That’s nothing like the NFL combine for college kids. The combine is very serious stuff.
The Combine is much more strict. Arch is allowed, slight bounce is allowed, must lockout (75% of the time), butt can not come off the bench, and outside rings are the widest you can go. But again like every little thing, see what everybody gets away with and do a little more. Be prepared for everything and everything past that. As far as reps and the record. It is 45 at the Combine and three guys have come close this year…two at 42 reps and one at 43.
Stay Strong,