I’ve been out of school for a semester, and haven’t had access to their awesome gym with Squat Racks and loads of weight so I’ve purchased a Power Rack of my own. Problem is that I only have 300lbs and have yet to purchase more weight.
By starting this log I’m trying to get back into the workout routine I had back in January/February. Back then my stats were:
6’2, 205
Squat - 325x5
Bench - 225x5
Press - 155x5
Row - 185x5
Deadlift - 375x5
I’ve pretty much quit doing Deadlifts, since I don’t have the weight to improve, and have also shunned Rows in favor of Pullups.
That’s going to change.
My short term goals are to get my Squat, Deadlift, and Row back to a respectable level and begin the long grind up to 315/405/495.
As of right now I’ve been doing a 3x5 Routine, which I plan to stick to until I maybe transition into Madcow. My stats currently are:
6’2, 208
Squat - 300x5
Bench - 225x5 (285x1)
Press - 155x5
Pullups - 3x12 (3x5 + 30lbs)
I’ll do a soft deload and start up again Friday, planning on doing Mon/Wed/Fri when possible. Buying two 45lbs plates is a priority!
Still haven’t bought the 45’s, but I have tomorrow off. We’ll see.
Workout - 11/3/11
Squats - 3x5 275lbs
Bench - 3x5 205lbs
Row - 3x5 135lbs
I haven’t Rowed in awhile so I gave myself a little room. Squats are incredibly easy, I really want to be squatting 325 again. Bench I brought my grip out a lot. I’m definitely better at close-grip so I’m going to do wide-grip at least for this deload period, maybe afterwards.
As far as diet goes:
Met-Rx Bar 400 Calories, 30g Protein
Protein Smoothie 800 Calories, 95g Protein
16oz Apple Juice - 220 Calories
Dinner - ~800 calories, 15g protein
So 2220 Calories, 140g Protein
I work at a smoothie shop, so I just kind of eat what’s available to me. I’m going to head to the store tonight and get some pork/steak for my last meal.
Squats - 3x5 280lbs
Press - 3x5 135lbs
Deadlift - 1x6 300lbs
I bought 2 45lbs plates!
Squats - 3x5 285lbs
Bench - 3x6 210lbs
Rows - 3x5 140lbs
Squats - 5x5 275lbs
Press - 5x5 145lbs
Deadlift - 3x325, 1x345, 1x365, 1x375, 1x390
Maxed out on Deadlifts, 390lbs is all I have
Squats - 3x5 285lbs
Bench - 3x5 225lbs
Rows - 3x5 145lbs
Squat - 3x5 305lbs
Press - 3x5 155lbs
Deadlift - 2x5 335lbs
Squat - 3x5 310lbs
Bench - 3x5 230lbs
Rows - 3x5 170lbs
Learned Pendlay Rows for real, isn’t too bad and should go up quick.
Squat - 3x5 315lbs
Press - 3x5 160lbs
Deadlift - 2x5 345lbs
I’m excited to get my 3x5 Squats back to 315lbs, and it’s feeling pretty easy. Might have something to do with how much I’ve been eating this past week. I’m going to experiment with intermittent fasting this Sunday and see how it goes.
Squat - 3x5 320lbs
Bench - 3x5 235lbs
Row - 3x5 175lbs
Had some really big flexibility issues with Squats. Going to be doing a lot more hamstring and hip stretches. Hamstrings are really tight.
Squat- 2x5 325lbs Failed my third set
Press - 3x5 165lbs Cheated by push-jerking my last 3 reps on set 3
Deadlift - 1x5 355lbs
Chinups - 2x5 45lbs
Skipped 12/02/11 because of mobility issues.
Whenever I start squatting my hips tighten way up. I’m doing stretches but it doesn’t seem like it’s enough. I can’t even really get to parallel without hip pain
Skipped 12/05/11 because of mobility issues.
Did a crap ton of weighted pullups and regular pullups
Tried Squats again, and the weight isn’t heavy. But it’s too painful and form is complete crap because of my hips. I’m doing a lot more stretches than I was before but it’s not working fast enough! Just when I was squatting 325 3x5 easy too.
Squats - 1x5 315lbs
Press - 3x5 155lbs
Deadlift - 1x5 365lbs
Squats - 3x5 315lbs
Bench - 3x4 245lbs
Rows - 1x5 185lbs, 2x5 135lbs
Pullups - a lot
Figure I’ll lower the weight on Rows and really focus on squeezing shoulders. Upper back is lagging
Squats - 3x5 315lbs
Bench - 3x4 245lbs
Rows - 1x5 185lbs, 2x5 135lbs
Pullups - a lot
Going to huge deload rows and really work on form, feel like my biceps are getting all the work in pullups and rows.
Squats - 2x5 315lbs
Press - 3x5 165lbs
Deadlifts - Failed 1x5 370lbs
Bench - 205lbs 3x8
Rows - 155lbs 3x8
Pullups - 3xF