Florelius is Getting Back at It

Cycle 3/Wave 3/Workout 2.


Warm up:
Bird dog: 10 reps.
Glute bridges: 10 reps.
BW Squat: 10 reps.
BW Reverse Lunges: 5 reps pr leg.

  • Some stretching.

Deadlift: tm = 80kg.
1 x 5 x 32,5kg.
1 x 5 x 40kg.
1 x 3 x 47,5kg.
1 x 5 x 60kg.
1 x 3 x 67,5kg.
1 x 1 x 75kg.
1 x 1 x 80kg.

Press: tm = 35kg.
3 x 5 x 20kg.
1 x 5 x 25kg.
1 x 3 x 30kg.
1 x 9 x 32,5kg (Estimated 1rm = 42,2kg).

Chin ups (Neutral grip): 10 x 3 reps.

Ab Wheel (On knees): 3 x 10 reps.

Good workout.

Cycle 4/Wave 1/Workout 1.


Warm up:
Bird dog: 10 reps.
Glute bridges: 10 reps.
BW Squat: 10 reps.
BW Reverse Lunges: 5 reps pr leg.

  • Some stretching.

Squat: tm = 52,5kg.
1 x 5 x 20kg.
1 x 5 x 27,5kg.
1 x 3 x 32,5kg.
1 x 5 x 35kg.
1 x 5 x 42,5kg (Wrong weight, should have been 40kg).
1 x 5 x 45kg.

Bench: tm = 57,5kg.
1 x 5 x 22,5kg.
1 x 5 x 27,5kg.
1 x 3 x 35kg.
1 x 5 x 37,5kg.
1 x 5 x 42,5kg.
1 x 13 x 47,5kg (Estimated 1rm = 68kg).

DB Row (Overhand grip):
1 x 10 x 10kg pr arm.
1 x 10 x 16kg pr arm.
1 x 10 x 22kg pr arm.

Back raises: 3 x 10 reps.

Comment: Good workout.

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Well I did fall off the training wagon again and there is no excuse, I have been lazy and inconsistent. After december I have no gym membership any more and because my personal finances are shit at the moment, I will start to train @ home next year. I will try to get to the gym in december and do some fun workouts (Testing my strenght in the big lifts, do some pump workouts etc). My plan for the home training is to start with BW exercises (push up variations, chin up/pull ups variations, squat/lunge variations etc) and try to get the most out of those. I will probably after a while invest in some adjustable dumbells and bands to spice things up a bit and to be able to do more exercises (rows, presses, weighted squats/lunges/RDLā€™s and isolation exercises). While training at home is limited, my past experience with this sort of training is that it is:

  1. Easier to stay consistent, because there is no need to walk 30 min too and from a gym.
  2. Becuase you are limited in exercise selection , it forces you to focus on basic exercises.
  3. Because you are limited in the ability to add weight, it forces you to get creative when it comes to upping the intensity.

My first goal with the home training is to increase my overall work capacity, that to be honest is shit. This means I will train frequently and with the goal of increasing the total reps pr exercise. I am thinking of something stupidly simply as this:

3 days a week:

Chin ups: 100 total reps (build up over a period of time)
Push ups: 100 total reps (build up over a period of time)
BW Squat: 100 total reps (build up over a period of time)


I think those points you have listed regarding home training are all very true.

I have had the best results and the most memorable workouts in my back yard with some rings and and an old pair of rusty dumbbells. Unfortunately I had to move places and I have no longer a place to hang up my rings.

You might want to look at some calisthenics and body-weight stuff for inspiration. Handstands, pistols, one-arm push-upsā€¦ are all impressive skills that takes dedication and hard work to achieve.

Rise Florelius, rise!!


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Yes more exotic exercises like the ones you mentioned are probably good to implement when I can not progress more in the more basic variations, but there are plenty of ways to do up the intensity with plain old push ups and chin ups like; 1,5 reps, rest-pause, high volume (10x10 for example) etc.
I am able to do one arm push ups now (not for many reps offcourse), but pistols and hand stand push ups are another story. I will have to look up regressions for those lifts. Thanks for the tip and I agree that it is impressive to be able to do strict pistols or handstand push ups.

Some of the most fun I ever had working out was back when I was 19 and had worked out less than a year. All I had was a pair of adjustable dumbells and a place to do chin ups/Pull ups. I did not know much about training then, but I came across an article about GVT and did a home variation with 10 sets x 10 reps on push ups (with a back pack with weights), Chin ups (Not 10x10, but ended up @ 7x7), Squats with a pack pack, DB Curls and One arm triceps Extensions. Probably not the best routine for a rank beginner, but it was alot of fun, awesome pumps and I gained some muscle.

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See New log.

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