Can anyone else spot the obvious absurdity of the ad below (I hope the attachment works ok).
Words fail me.
Can anyone else spot the obvious absurdity of the ad below (I hope the attachment works ok).
Words fail me.
Just in case the text is difficult to read on-screen, here are the highlights:
“Every heart functions with, and is protected by, a skeleton. VersaBALL is no different. Its metal frame cups the ball giving increased stability and ease of use.”
And the downright outrageous seeling point is:
“The cradle combats the inherent instability and balance problems many exercises experience on a normal stability ball”
Bench anyone?
My god! That is hilarious!
I wonder how much they charge for this wonderful piece of equpment?
Oh wait,i can see the price in the ad.
Its like all the gimmicky goodness of a stability ball with none of potential benfits. A stroke of genius!
A big round cushion!
Damnit, why hadn’t I thought of that first, I reckon I could have instigated a much more comprehensive marketing… ahem campaign.
None of the benefits is right… especially from a dynamic/static weight absorption point of view… it looks like the frame would distort the skin of the ball if any serious mass was applied, compromising the integrity of the bloody useless thing.
As an aside/hijack, if one was sufficiently strong and lifted a hyuge weight in a seated vertical push (on say, a solid object such as a bench) could this cause stress/damage on the spine? (assuming a safe curvature of the spine and abdominal activation - without the legs to absorb the weight)
Could a ball/cushion type device have a use in this regard? (Or are the Newtons involved in causing damage too ridiculous?)
I am indeed grasping at straws at a use for this thing though. (Just do a sots press instead!)
I still think there’s some conference every year between all the workout machine gurus where they try to come up with the most assanine and completely unnecessary equipment they can, and then try to figure out how best to sell it to the general public. I can’t believe some of the shit they’re pedaling these days. This just proves it!
Well since the majority of the people are sheep, many will be bought with the hopes that this is “the” way to exercise. People are dumb.
Saw one of these being demonstrated at a conference expo earlier this year, complete with tubing:
I thought this piece of advertising was a joke, like a mug for lefties or something. But after following Chris’ link I now know I’ve seen it (almost) all.
I bet next year they’ll come up with mark II, in which the ball is completely encased by metal tubes, with a pad on the top, such that you get all the benefits of a bench combined with all the benefits of a ball…but with the drawbacks of neither!
PS: If you right-click on the photo, you can chose something like “view image” or “open image” that will allow you to see the full-size version and read the blurb in all its hilarious glory.
Just wait until that Body by Jake guy gets ahold of it.
You guys are going to freak –
I actually KNOW someone with one of these!!! Different look, but it’s a stability ball set inside a frame on rollers so it’s will be stabilized!
It struck me as odd when I first saw it, though I couldn’t explain it right off the bat. A month or so later, I saw it a 2nd time and then it hit me - she gets NO benefit from it being stuck in that frame!
This reminds me of that quote:
“No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.”
– Henry Mencken
…I guess you the same holds true for England.
[quote]T-Raven wrote:
This reminds me of that quote:
“No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.”
– Henry Mencken
…I guess you the same holds true for England.[/quote]
Didnt the FDA have to step in and stop the guys who where selling the “Ab Stimulator”?
I dont know how I feel about that, unless you taking advantage of the elderly, I have to agree with the poker player who said, “Not taking a fools money is a sin.”