Flame Warriors, Which One are YOU?

This one is Celtics…

The rest can be found on the Netizen’s Guide to Flame Warriors


The above link is a quick pictorial guide through the Flame Warriors rouge’s gallery.

See can you spot yourself or better still anyone else on this forum?

Originally taken from http://redwing.hutman.net/~mreed/

Bulking machine, god rest his sould.

Big Dog is a bully who doesn’t hesitate to use his superior strength to intimidate other combatants. Big Dog may be smart, articulate or just plain mean, but in any case he is a remorseless fighter, brutally ripping into even the weakest of combatants. Once Big Dog securely fastens his powerful jaws on a hapless victim, Me-Too will join the attack. Me-Too is far too weak and insecure to engage in single combat, and must ally himself with Big Dog or a pack of other Warriors to bring down his quarry.[/quote]

Need I even say who this is?

I’d like to think this is totally me.

And I’m spent.

Countingbeans maybe?

My lack of posts has left me lacking a fully developed Netizen’s identity! So in an attempt to try an pigeon hole myself I was left a bit stumped!

Time will tell however and maybe someday, after a few hundred more posts, I’ll eventually be pigeon holed (sounds dirty, I know) and it is only then that I can finally ascend into the higher echelons of T-Nation society…

[quote]LankyMofo wrote:

Big Dog is a bully who doesn’t hesitate to use his superior strength to intimidate other combatants. Big Dog may be smart, articulate or just plain mean, but in any case he is a remorseless fighter, brutally ripping into even the weakest of combatants. Once Big Dog securely fastens his powerful jaws on a hapless victim, Me-Too will join the attack. Me-Too is far too weak and insecure to engage in single combat, and must ally himself with Big Dog or a pack of other Warriors to bring down his quarry.[/quote]

Need I even say who this is?[/quote]

I was thinking the same thing…

[quote]worzel wrote:
and it is only then that I can finally ascend into the higher echelons of T-Nation society…[/quote]
One day I too aspire to greatness. May the T be with you.

[quote]andrew_live wrote:

[quote]worzel wrote:
and it is only then that I can finally ascend into the higher echelons of T-Nation society…[/quote]
One day I too aspire to greatness. May the T be with you.[/quote]

The T is with me always…

I am usually several of those.

This is me

Bliss Ninny doesn’t understand why people just can’t get along. While it is entirely unintentional, Bliss Ninny’s utterly vacuous comments can drive the more pugnacious Warriors into a frenzy of aggression. Often in the heat of battle Bliss Ninny will discuss her cat.

I dont have an avatar so I will never be anybody.

[quote]milktruck wrote:
I dont have an avatar so I will never be anybody.[/quote]

Why not try this one?

Bill Roberts maybe?

Tribunal dude?

Probably half of T-Nation, lol.


Actually, I think Bill Roerts has a bit of this guy as well:

Sounds like xxxwtfxxx, optheta and Type2B.

[quote]165StateChamp wrote:

Sounds like xxxwtfxxx, optheta and Type2B.[/quote]

I’m so glad I use my ignore function.