Thank you
Trap bar deadlift
Warmups superset with squat jumps 3x3
300x3 340x3 385x10
Overhead press 135x5x5
Tough after deadlifts - upper back was cooked really had to fight on that last set
Band pull apart 4x25 reps
Back raise 3x20 reps body weight only
Bar curls 45x10x3 sets
Not pushing assistance too hard just getting the work in
Squats 265x5x5 still working on bracing
Turned toes out slightly and felt WAY stronger
Easier to hit depth also
Bench 175x3 200x3 225x7
Went for 8th but not today ….
Lat pulldown 145x5x10 sets
Set every minute on the minute switched between overhand and underhand each set
Push downs 45x15x3 sets
Side bends 35x25x2 sets
Trying to push lat pull downs adding 5 lbs a week as long as I can
Other assistance exercises just getting the work in
Liking this set up more than the plain vanilla 531 so far
Having only 1 exercise you push on PR day I feel helps with focus
Only increasing training max every 6 weeks instead of every 3-4 weeks this way so in theory could go much longer before hitting a plateau
Also feel like the 5x5 day helps with drilling good technique - even an experienced lifter’s form suffers when taking a set to failure or near failure
HR 63
Weight 245.8 - expected higher ate pretty bad this week
Went to orange theory but monitor ran out of battery so no stats
Felt kind of beat up though had to do the squats late last night and squeeze in Orangetheory at 7am so took it easy
Nice squats!
Thank you!
Good Job!
Thank you!
Trap bar deadlift 315x3x5 sets
Overhead press 120x3 140x3 155x8
Band pulls 4x25 reps
Bar curls 3x10 reps
Back raise 3x20 reps
I saw 2 plates on there and was like is dude repping 225 on SOHP?
Still some great pressing!
lol maybe one day…
Thank you Shane!
Thanks Simo, I do loiter here, haven’t commented yet, but well since now you’ve outed me…
Solid work @Well_Swung got some reps on me there! Interesting choice of training song there (no judgement mine is always a weird mix).
Miss type or a joke that I missed ?
Autocorrect on my phone, it doesn’t love Simo!
Yeah, nothing I like more than some good pressing, and 70 kilo for 8 is no joke. Good, simple lifting in this log from what I can see.