Hi I have APT (Anterior Pelvic Tilt) which means I also have Lordosis. I first noticed I had these problems when I would get lower back muscle pain when lifting anything and eventually just all the time. As a result of the pain I went to a physiotherapist who clearly didn’t know much about the subject. So I have retired to the internet for answers.
People mostly say to
Lengthen/stretch: hip flexors/psoas and spinal erectors
Strengthen/activate glutes and abdominals
I have been stretching and strengthening for around a month. Which has lead to me no longer having pain but the tilt and lower spinal curve is still there. I believe the reason for this is tight hip flexors which I have try’s to stretch but have so far failed as they just seem to be as tight day after day. For example if I tense my abdominal a to pull my pelvis into alignment and walk I can feel the tight hip flexors.
I believe that the my tight hip flexors are the real problem as my glutes and abs are activated and I focus on my posture through out the day. Essentially I need to find a way to lengthen my psoas to optimal resting length.
Thanks for reading Derek