As I’m looking ahead to 2016, I’m going to try using this (I’d never heard of it before I started here back in August). If I’m understanding it correctly, I…
reset my TM to what it was three cycles before
go five cycles forward (hopefully hitting PRs and such)
rinse and repeat
Question: if I miss reps for a cycle and reset, do I go back to the previous TM (go back one cycle) or do I drop back three?
So, if my last five cycles were:
I would start the new year with a TM of 255 and then…
Remember you’re setting the foundations to build future strength off. If you’re not moving the bar with purpose and hitting a good number of solid reps in the last week of a cycle, it’s time to seriously consider your TM.
“Question: if I miss reps for a cycle and reset, do I go back to the previous TM (go back one cycle) or do I drop back three?”
Remember WHY you’re using a training max in the first place. Use what you can get good work in with, TM =/= progress. But I think you already know that senhor.
Remember you’re setting the foundations to build future strength off. If you’re not moving the bar with purpose and hitting a good number of solid reps in the last week of a cycle, it’s time to seriously consider your TM.[/quote]
Yeah, I wasn’t being specific enough. If I was missing reps on a 5/3 round, I would know I’d fucked up.
"Question: if I miss reps for a cycle and reset, do I go back to the previous TM (go back one cycle) or do I drop back three? "
You should never miss reps unless you have a flu, cancer and lost a limb 10 minutes before the gym. You should always be able to get 5 reps on your 95% day, and they should be fast and strong.
The TM is nothing but a tool to help regulate your training - it’s not about how strong you are. At some point, people will believe me about this. A friend of mine just squatted 775 with a 630 TM. There are countless examples about this - and the sooner you accept it, the sooner your lifts go up, your recovery is better and your bar speed is optimal. If you are looking to “trash” the body, use stuff like weight vest chins, dips, push-ups, ab wheel, sled work, Prowler, etc.