What does everyone think of the new deal?
The part that I find the most amusing is this:
And the payroll tax holiday is now over so that every single person who has a job even for minimum wage will be paying higher taxes as well.
But Obama said he wouldn’t raise taxes on regular folks!
Another lying politician.
As for small business if they make more than 450-k their taxes are going up. And as a small business owner my response, other than to not grow my business for another four years, is to cut my employee’s wages by about half of my total tax hike, it’s called “shared pain” and they know it’s coming. Each employee will make less in 2013 than they did in 2012 (unless they make it up in productivity bonuses).
The good part is no one is complaining as the economy is so bad that they feel fortunate to have a job. And I bet small business people across the country will have their own variation of my plan. Did Obama think the response would be something different? Ha…I guess Harvard Law Professor’s just don’t understand small business.
But don’t fear, those of you who are on unemployment just got extended another year for doing absolutely nothing. So your vote for Obama was a good one, at least for now.
As the federal government grows, and the job creators diminish, and democrats pat themselves on the back for carving out such a cowardly deal we once again kick the can down the road…
Welcome to Obamanation!