[quote]666Rich wrote:
[quote]Bill Roberts wrote:
So how do you say that 50% (as a realistic example in many cases) of other people’s income ought to be spent?
Generous of you to have no problem with so much of their money being taken.[/quote]
Where did I mention anything about 50%… do you really want to put words into my mouth for some obscure pugnacious reason? I am a firm capitalist and believe in low taxes… =[/quote]
“Obscure pugnacious reason?”
It seems the reason would be that I know what is actually going on and it seems you don’t.
You say you have “no problem with taxes,” and it’s already the case – as I said, it’s a realistic example already in manny cases – that many pay approximately 50% of their income in taxes BEFORE Obama’s increase.
So exactly how is that example figure irrelevant? It’s not.
Unless you think it’s putting words in your mouth to apply your statement to the real world instead of some mistaken idea that isn’t the case? Let’s assume your post wasn’t trying to talk about taxes on the planet Mars or perhaps in the Cayman Islands. It was about the US, correct? So how is it putting words in your mouth to bring up amounts such as many do pay in the US?
When the topic of the thread is rate or amount of taxation, and you say you have no problem with taxes (except for concern on how they are spent.)
My guess is you personally don’t pay much taxes. Try paying the top rate, plus Social Security (if self-employed you have to pay the “employer’s share” too), Medicare, property taxes, and if applicable state income taxes and then it will be your own money that you can say you have “no problem” with paying. It will be around 50%. It can be over that actually.
Not even counting sales tax.
The reason I guess that you personally don’t pay much taxes is because if you did you would know that my figure is in fact reflective of the US at this time for anyone who makes even a moderate financial success of themselves. If you don’t know that, which it seems you didn’t know till now, it must be because it is totally outside your personal experience.
So, your having no problem with taxes is either not knowing what is going on, or being generous when it’s other people but not you having to pay such amounts. One or the other. I didn’t want to assume it was just not knowing what was going on.