I’m on my first week of TRT. I’m curious as if it seems like I’m taking too much test c? I’m on .75 ml 2x per week(200mg bottle) which I believe is 300ml per week. (Correct me if I’m wrong ). I’m also taking HCG 2x per week and 25mg MK677 every day. Is this too much ? I told my doc I wanted to put on some size so maybe that’s why it seems like much. When I got blood work done I had really low estrogen which is why I’m waiting to take anastrozole until after 3 weeks in and my test was around 380. Any information will help
That’s a pretty high trt dose. Way higher than the majority of trt guys. My doc started me on 100 mg per week. Over the course of a year it increased to 150 mg after I requested a higher dose. I’m currently running a 300 mg blast ( not doctor supervised) and I’m running nolvadex daily to protect against possible gyno. I wouldnt run that high for long. You could run into hct issues ect ect
Wow a doctor that puts a 28 year old on a cycle with no bloodwork. I wonder if he will be giving him PCT drugs as well when he tried to get his natty T production going again?
300mg/wk is the recommended first cycle (not by doctors but the guy at the gym with acne all over his back, haha) so one can see how bad the side effects are.
Did your doc talk about how long you are to take this?
Did he talk about how he plans to control your E2 and HCT?
Does he plan to get your natty T production going again from this cycle shutting your own production down?
@hrdlvn 2 and a half months from what u I know, and nothing for hct from what u know and hcg for natural test I’m assuming. I’m new to this so sorry if I sound a bit confused. What is a good amount to take to where hct won’t be a big issue ?
No one can answer that without looking at your blood test.
When you take T your blood thickens. It is measured in the % of red blood cells by volume of fluid.
Over 52% can start to give you issues. higher blood pressure is one of the first signs.
Some guys are borderline anemic and raising their HCT is a good thing. Some guys their HCT doesn’t go up by much then guys like me I can’t take over 120mg/wk without having to donate blood every 6 months. It’s important to know because it can kill you.
~10 weeks that’s about the shortest cycle to see any real gains. 12 would be better. You probably won’t feel much for the first 3-4 weeks. You will start seeing and feeling all the bad side effects of injecting T water weigh gain, sore tender nipples, maybe some acne, mood swings good and bad, increased libido (TRT guys call it the honeymoon phase)
Best of luck to you I hope you can build some muscle.
A 300 mg blast is pretty low for a blast. Have you done this in the past? I am curious how much gains you can get?
My protocol is 150 mg a week as well. Have never done a blast before.
I have always heard 500 mg test is the advised starting cycle, and 400 mg is a low starting cycle. Interesting to hear what results you get. Do you have a log?
It is a rather low blast. I tried it once before but had some issues. Incorporating dim with 300 mg per week shockingly crashed my estrogen for 5 weeks. It really messed things up. I’m trying it again but added some dbol to start things off. So far so good. I’m on my third week and I set a personal best for bench press this morning at 335 lbs. I’m pretty stoked
I only ran the dol for 2 weeks. It didnt agree with my stomach for some reason. Terrible gas pains. Now that I’m off for a week I’m getting stronger. Go figure.
You will be OK.
Don’t wake up every morning an freak out over every weird feeling. You are going to learn some lessons about how hormones effect your feelings. KEEP your kool.
As your hormones fluxuate you are going to see and feel different things like I mentioned in my post above.
For a 10 week blast/cycle don’t worry about your E2 getting to high it is a good thing it will protect your joints from the extra stress you will be putting on them at the gym.
If you start reading about high E2 and gyno that is not a thing that happens in 10-12 weeks.
During this first 4 weeks you need to get your diet in order and start spending some buck on quality food. while you are waiting for the T to reach steady state.
On week 5 you need to have your workout program figured out and loaded on your phone for easy reference. Go buy some new music something to really get you pumped up mentally.
For me that is anything from Five Finger Death Punch.
You have a change to make some real gains if you put some real effort in to this. Don’t waste it.
No joke on the keeping emotions in check shit. I’m less than 4 months into TRT and I’ve become a bit of a lunatic. Super anxious, jealous, obsessive. Not the best version of me. It comes and goes but hoping it levels out eventually. Has caused some major fights between my wife and I went I don’t keep my shit under control and just act on my feelings.
This doesnot sound good e3 you need bloods your TT or E2 is too high. It sounds like you are on a fast track to a divorce. You need your spouse on your side or this whole TRT thing will end badly.