Ok after a few years of being a fat lard ass’ and not training! I want to get back in! Im going to be doing the Waterbury Method along with the The T-Dawg Diet: Version 2.0 in an effort to shed the pounds and gain some muscle mass back on.
I will be taking along with the required amounts of Carbs and Protien Biotest Surge and Biotest Grow!.I was also thinking of taking some creatine but wanted to ask if it’s safe? im on anti-depressents so need to ask if its ok to use with them?
I weight about 215 lb’s and am 6ft1/2" im guessing I should take about 5g of creatine on workout days only with no loading phase in my Surge shake, Am I correct?
Many thanks guys
P.S Can anyone confirm if Pro Creatine by CNP is “ok” to use as I read a very good article on T-Nation about avoiding creatines with Guanidinopropionic Acid (GPA)and Glycocyamine (G-amine). G-amine (also known as guanidinoacetate like the plauge.
5 grams of creatine mixed with your Surge post workout. 5 grams creatine mixed with your protein shakes on non-workout days also. As for brand, just look for a good pharmaceutical grade creatine. No other additives.
[quote]bikemike wrote:
5 grams of creatine mixed with your Surge post workout. 5 grams creatine mixed with your protein shakes on non-workout days also. As for brand, just look for a good pharmaceutical grade creatine. No other additives.[/quote]
Thanks BikeMike,
So I also assume it’s safe to use along with Surge if on anti-deppresent medication?
Creatine is practically just food. Everything can be taken with creatine.
Just get pure plain creatine monohydrate. Make sure they don’t add flavors or other crap. The plainer the better. Look for the Creapure logo. That’s all you need.
[quote]michaelv wrote:
Creatine is practically just food. Everything can be taken with creatine.
Just get pure plain creatine monohydrate. Make sure they don’t add flavors or other crap. The plainer the better. Look for the Creapure logo. That’s all you need.[/quote]
Thank’s Michealv,
Is it the same case with Surge? I ask becasue I noticed it says “consult before use with doctor if on medication” AS I said im only on Anti’s
Well, the Surge is designed to elicit a fair wallop of an insulin spike, so if having your blood sugar yo-yo is a problem, then you’ll want to think twice.
I’m not certain, but sometimes shifts in blood sugar and/or levels of various neurotransmitters, which might in some way be partially mediated by some types of aminos(?), can affect mood.
Just ask your physician… like the product says, just to play it safe.
Well if all Surge will do is make my blood sugar yo-yo then what harm would it do say diff from say lots of caffine cola or alcohol? I mean worse case scenario it’s going to make me feel perhaps a little blue right?
Well, unforunately, no, if you are on antidepressants, I wouldn’t suggest risking something that may be able to make you “blue”.
Just check with your physician. It’s not a complex supplement with respect to its ingredients, and your doctor will know better than anyone over the Internet.
I’m no expert, I just like to pretend I am… seek the thy physician!
The bottom line is that it will probably not be an issue. For most people it isn’t. Going on a Halloween candy-binge would probably be worse for you. But if there is any doubt, it’s better to be safe than sorry.
[quote]michaelv wrote:
The bottom line is that it will probably not be an issue. For most people it isn’t. Going on a Halloween candy-binge would probably be worse for you. But if there is any doubt, it’s better to be safe than sorry.[/quote]
Well considering Iv’e become a lardy thanks to copious amounts of sweets cakes and other sugery things it should be fine.But I’ll ask my pharmecist just in case.
[quote]Dobermann wrote:
michaelv wrote:
The bottom line is that it will probably not be an issue. For most people it isn’t. Going on a Halloween candy-binge would probably be worse for you. But if there is any doubt, it’s better to be safe than sorry.
Well considering Iv’e become a lardy thanks to copious amounts of sweets cakes and other sugery things it should be fine.But I’ll ask my pharmecist just in case.
Thank’s again everyone
I think you’ll be surprised how much of an impact a poor diet has on depression.
Your right Tri, When I used to work out I felt so much better for it by eating right and training plus laying off the booze.Cirumstances,work and my own fault led me back from the path of a aspiring T-Man to a coach potatoe.
Make sure you steer clear of caffinated drinks when you take the creatine ( hinders absorbtion) and drink plenty of water because it is a cell volumizer.
If you follow everything that you say your going to do, I think you’ll be quite happy with your results.