First Time on Alpha Male

Ive used every supplement here before, but have never taken Alpha Male. I just ordered some and have been off all supplements for three months except for some protein powder.

whats the best way to use it? Is it good to start wth one tablet, for a few days then increase dose or is it better to get a higher response from a higher dose when your receptors are new to it?

read the label…I think there’s a cycling protocol similar to TRIBEX. 5 days on, 2 days off I believe. Take two capsules twice a day, about 6-8 hours apart.

I’ve never used it so you might want to try just one capsule and work up to two.

I’m taking TRIBEX for the first time rt now and I didn’t notice much of anything till the second week. Suddenly I got horny…bad horny :slight_smile:

workout intensity seems to be better as well, but I may just be adapting to the training.

Curious to see your results as I’m thinking of trying out Alpha Male within the next few months

Start with one tablet twice per day for the first three days or so and then bump it up to the full dose. When you use something you’ve never taken before it’s best to start with the minimum dose as a precaution. Sometimes you get people who respond well to the lower dose anyhow. I just started another run with Alpha Male yesterday and always get a nice boost in my gym gains.

Take care,


I tend to be hyper sensitive for my sleep cycle on anything! so i have to be careful, as Carbolin 19 kept me up if I took it after 3 pm.

I tried this:
1st week - 1 @ wake, 1 @ lunch
2nd week - 1 @ wake, 2 @ lunch (test is naturally higher upon waking)
3rd-7th week - 2 @ wake, 2 @ lunch.

I’ve used many trib products over the years and I have to say that I’m not overly impressed with Alpha Male in relation to its costs. I’m not saying it’s a bad product as I’m still using it or now but I’d hype Rez-V over AlphaMale anytime.

I didn’t really feel the typical tribulus vitality signals until I got up to a 2 x twice daily dosage so I wouldn’t bother with lower dosing. I am taking it 5 days on, 2 off which coincides with my training program anyway.

Hope that helps.

What other TRIBEX products did you like? I like tribestan.

I do miss the old TRIBEX in the capsules! with the glass bottle!

I took one yesterday felt fine so i took two this morning but ive been feeling a bit nervous (stimulated_, must be the longolia?

oh boy oh boy oh boy.

I get to start a cycle of this in the next few weeks. Even before it had the Carbolin 19, this stuff made my iron work almost easy and my karate training even more intense.

One thing I miss? MAG-10 Avenger, the non-prohormone MAG-10 released to GNCs. That stuff gave me an almost stimulatory effect.

But yeah, start with the minimum dose, then work your way up. It’s an excellent product, especially for post-PCT, clean (non-darkside) bulking, and general well-being.

Well its weird Alpha Male is very stimulating, in anxiety! i think im sensitive to something in it, cause neither Carbolin 19 19 or TRIBEX do this to me.

Just a heads up regarding dosing …

In his locker room thread, CT has mentioned a couple of times now that individuals should take the 4-6 tablet dosage of Alpha Male all at once, in the evening.

I’m not sure exactly why, but perhaps he is aware of some information which suggests using it this way is superior than dividing the dose up throughout the day.

Anyways, thought the OP and others might be interested.

[quote]NewDamage wrote:
Just a heads up regarding dosing …

In his locker room thread, CT has mentioned a couple of times now that individuals should take the 4-6 tablet dosage of Alpha Male all at once, in the evening.

I’m not sure exactly why, but perhaps he is aware of some information which suggests using it this way is superior than dividing the dose up throughout the day.

Anyways, thought the OP and others might be interested.[/quote]

IF I DID That I would not sleep! seriously!

hey i’m new to the site and i’m interested in boosting my testosterone levels mostly for athletic and sexual performance purposes. consequently, i have been checking out the Alpha Male supplement and i think its my dream come thru. however, i wanted to be sure of how much milligrams (mg) of the ingredients are in the product. from what i’ve gathered,

2 capsules provide:

750 mg of tribulus
40 mg of Carbolin 19
340 mg of vitex/eurycoma

hope i calculated it right.

20 mg Carbolin 19.

Good thread guys, I have been considering a cycle of Alpha Male or TRIBEX.

misconception, it would be good to hear how you get on with Alpha Male.

This maybe a stupid question, but do you guys find with the raise of test in your body you get weird hair growth?? chest, back etc, the reason for my amateur question is I have spent money on laser hair removal and dont want to waste money spent!!


I’ve taken Alpha Male several times. Its a pro-testosterone formula so I don’t believe you need to work up your ‘tolerance’ with it. I always just started taking two in the morning, and two in the afternoon. I put myself on a training program that would maximize the effects of using Alpha Male.

I saw not only strength increases but I was hornier than hell. I never noticed any side effects from using it other than getting a whole lot stronger. I would recommend using it for at least 8 weeks, as it says it could take up to 4 weeks for the full effects to be noticed. I however, only use it when i want to gain muscle, and are in a bulking phase. I use HOT-ROX when i’m on a diet and in a cutting phase. There’s my 2 cents, good luck to you and lift heavy!

[quote]NewDamage wrote:
Just a heads up regarding dosing …

In his locker room thread, CT has mentioned a couple of times now that individuals should take the 4-6 tablet dosage of Alpha Male all at once, in the evening.

I’m not sure exactly why, but perhaps he is aware of some information which suggests using it this way is superior than dividing the dose up throughout the day.

Anyways, thought the OP and others might be interested.[/quote]

That is very interesting. I was unable to find this/these particular quote(s). Could you find them and enlighten us?

[quote]Jay-B wrote:

That is very interesting. I was unable to find this/these particular quote(s). Could you find them and enlighten us?

Page 375, in the New Thib Zone. This is the second reference to taking the product in this manner. The first reference can be found a few pages earlier in the thread in response to a poster who asked about Alpha Male and REZ-V usage.

"Christian Thibaudeau wrote:

Here are the basics that should be covered before going into other supplements… (cut for brevity)

…A testo booster (Alpha Male for example) is a good addition and is best used in conjunction with REZ-V… Rez-V upon waking-up on an empty stomach and Alpha Male 4-6 caps in the evening only."

I thought the max dose of AM was 4 tabs/day?

I usually take my last does with my ZMA at night.

I’m about out, so I will be off it for a while.
I’ll try CTs recommendation next time I try it

[quote]NewDamage wrote:
Page 375, in the New Thib Zone. This is the second reference to taking the product in this manner. The first reference can be found a few pages earlier in the thread in response to a poster who asked about Alpha Male and REZ-V usage.

"Christian Thibaudeau wrote:

Here are the basics that should be covered before going into other supplements… (cut for brevity)

…A testo booster (Alpha Male for example) is a good addition and is best used in conjunction with REZ-V… Rez-V upon waking-up on an empty stomach and Alpha Male 4-6 caps in the evening only."[/quote]

That’s pretty interesting. I’ve always kind of done the opposite dosing, taking my Rez-V at night before bed and my Alpha Male or TRIBEX pre-workout in the afternoon. I’ll have to give this a shot next time and see if I notice anything.

[quote]NewDamage wrote:
Just a heads up regarding dosing …

In his locker room thread, CT has mentioned a couple of times now that individuals should take the 4-6 tablet dosage of Alpha Male all at once, in the evening.

I’m not sure exactly why, but perhaps he is aware of some information which suggests using it this way is superior than dividing the dose up throughout the day.

Anyways, thought the OP and others might be interested.[/quote]

I’m very interested in seeing what Thibs has to say about Alpha Male, however there’s almost 400 pages in that thread, could you link the page he says this?

EDIT: nvm, i got excited and posted before reading the whole thread