Alpha Male Recommendations

Anybody used (or using) Alpha Male? I might want to start. Should I start light, 1 pill in the morning, 1 in the afternoon, and then work my way up to 2 at a time? Should I just start out 2 at a time and then drop down to 1 at a time in a couple of months? What has worked best for you? And how long of a cycle? 3 months, 6?

A full dose; two pills, twice per day. 5 days on, 2 days off worked for me.

TEST boosters work best in 2-4 week cycles. im not sure how long the break from it would be.

i believe CT said this as well. i would listen to him

MAF care to elaborate? Would you follow what rrjc just said for 2-4 weeks?

[quote]moose0968 wrote:
Anybody used (or using) Alpha Male? I might want to start. Should I start light, 1 pill in the morning, 1 in the afternoon, and then work my way up to 2 at a time? Should I just start out 2 at a time and then drop down to 1 at a time in a couple of months? What has worked best for you? And how long of a cycle? 3 months, 6?[/quote]

I recommend starting with the full dosage for at least 2 weeks according to the 5 days on, 2 days off schedule to learn how you respond. At this point you should have an understanding as to how you react and will have a baseline from which to experiment with different dosages.

I prefer to use Alpha Male for 4 to 6 weeks at a time before cycling off for a week or two.

[quote]Jnegro wrote:
MAF care to elaborate? Would you follow what rrjc just said for 2-4 weeks? [/quote]

yeah what I would do is 5 days on 2 days off for 2-4 weeks.
i am by no means any expert but i am almost certain this is
what CT has recommended regarding Alpha Male…

I’ve been taking Alpha Male fairly steadily over the past two years using 2 per day, 3 per day and 4 per day. This past Aug - Jan I decided to run a long term experiment to determine the optimum dosage (for me). First off I will say that 2 a day makes me feel great, but wanted to keep careful records of diet/exercise and compare results with different dosage levels.

Had three separate experiment zones. 6 weeks at 1 tablet twice a day, a week off, then 6 weeks with 1 tablet in the AM, and 2 tabs in the PM, a week off. Took another week off and then stepped up for a whole dose (4 per day) for six weeks. I did stay with the standard 5 day cycle, normally dosing on M,T,W,F, and S, taking off Sunday and Thursday.

Took a break every seventh week as I had read Tim saying you should take a supplement break after six weeks. Workout protocol was Wendler’s 5-3-1, kept my diet clean and about 300-500 cals above maintenance. Results:

1 cap twice a day
Lean mass: plus 3.75 pounds
Body fat: plus .25 pounds

1 cap in AM, 2 caps in PM
Lean mass: plus 1.75 pounds
Body fat: minus 2.25 pounds

2 caps in AM, 2 cap in PM
Lean mass: plus 7 pounds
Body fat: plus 1.2 pounds

I’m medium sized, 70 inches; and, right now, 180 pounds. I very carefully worked up what I believe is the optimum Alpha Male dose for me - Gaining lean mass, 1 cap twice a day, 5 days on 2 days off, break every six weeks. Losing fat, 1 cap in the AM and two in the PM, same daily/weekly protocol as above.

Am experimenting now with Alpha Male plus HOT-ROX in a cutting combo. Your results may vary, but I do encourage you to use your body as your own laboratory, do wish I had had blood work done, but I’m in Iraq and that just was not possible.

Good luck,

I do the 5(weekday) on/2(weekend) off for ease in scheduling. Even bottle says it takes 6-8 weeks) to see full effect. It’s so mild compared to other “cycles” that up to 12 weeks before you should cycle off it it. 74caps in bottle, 10caps per week, leaves just under two whole bottles per “cycle”. I’d also like more real feedback on this. I have liked my results from previous times I’ve used it. I’m almost 4 weeks into my current cycle of Alpha Male and starting to see some postive test boost.

Side question: Able to ship to Canada?

[quote]Fuzzyapple wrote:
Side question: Able to ship to Canada?[/quote]


[quote]Kevin Hendrick wrote:
I’ve been taking Alpha Male fairly steadily over the past two years using 2 per day, 3 per day and 4 per day. This past Aug - Jan I decided to run a long term experiment to determine the optimum dosage (for me). First off I will say that 2 a day makes me feel great, but wanted to keep careful records of diet/exercise and compare results with different dosage levels… Your results may vary, but I do encourage you to use your body as your own laboratory, do wish I had had blood work done, but I’m in Iraq and that just was not possible.

Good luck,

Thanks for that personal analysis. I’ve been on this stuff for over a year with periodic wax and wane of dosing. always felt a greater sense of well-being/libido while on than off. Was thinking of stopping after this current bottle runs out so this is my re-look at what is going on (not sure how i feel about this product but it’s fascinating)

Tribulus has never impressed me but you find it in nearly every “male” product

Vitex agnus is interesting and certainly points towards the higher dosing of 2 and 2.
“Its mechanism of action is not well known. A study has found that treatment of 20 healthy men with higher doses of Vitex Agnus-castus was associated with a slight reduction of prolactin levels, whereas lower doses caused a slight increase as compared to doses of placebo. A decrease of prolactin will influence levels of Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and estrogen in women; and testosterone in men”

Eurycoma longifolia in this study led to increased mounting and i found this to be true with my gf. i thought of this ingredient being the single most important for a general sense of well being, as libido in men is often paramount.

Carbolin 19 is the hardest one for me to pin down but may indeed be the primary “fat loss” ingredient. From Wiki "to date, there has been… only one has peer-review (study) published in a medical journal. this clinical study observed forskolin’s role in significantly increasing lean mass, bone mass, and testosterone in the subjects involved.

Last month I had my Ttotal done and it was 980 (thereabouts) so the diet, training, genetics are good for me but still feeling a bit equivocal about Alpha Male???

Has anyone had a problem with an increase in sweating when taking Alpha Male?

Here’s a question-Are the test boosters safe for natty competitors?

[quote]MiJuggernaut wrote:
Here’s a question-Are the test boosters safe for natty competitors?[/quote]

if you poke around you’ll find studies. haven’t seen ANY that offer a concern
