First time looking to do a cycle

I’m a 34 M 225 lbs 6’1 and I was ripped up and in amazing shape in my early 20s. But now I just went to doctor and found out I now have Low T. I was thinking of running test cyp with some anavar but tell me what you guys think. I want to boost testosterone levels as well as loosing all this fat and gain muscle. I have switched to a much cleaner diet, but I need your guys help!!!

What’s your body fat right now? High BF is not ideal for using test.
If you have low test then why not look into TRT through the doc?

Don’t do it. Address others factors that might be causing your low T; diet, sleep, vitamin deficiencies, stress, before you even consider going down that road. Stay natural as long as possible, if not your entire life.

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First, take proper labs and post them. TT, FT, E2, SHBG, FSH, LH.

Second, after we see how bad it is, there may be adjustments to make it better naturally.

Third, if you’re hypogonadal then don’t take PEDs, address it with proper TRT. That will make a world of difference.

If your T is low then going on replacement isn’t a bad idea. Losing weight is about your diet, get that in check first. Steroids help build muscle, and going on TRT would likely assist in that. There is no need for Var yet.