hi all. going to use deca for first time. my choice is 250mg test sustanon+ 250mg deca for 10 weeks. have ai and cabergoline in hand for any issue. whats your opinion. any guidence for me? thanks in advance. my current age is 34.
A person would need much more information that that to give you advice.
What is your training experience?
What is your current strength?
What are your goals for the next 10 weeks?
What are your expectations for this cycle?
Where is the science on this?
It sure doesn’t align with my many experiences with Deca. I had used it for decades. It is my favorite injectable anabolic. I usually took it for 8 week cycles. Are you saying it was of little benefit? Yet when I got off cycle my strength declined just like all the other AAS.
Yet it wasn’t deleted when I copied the quote.
Because you’re like lighting.
Regarding that comment, I have posted a reply and received a “like” faster than I could have read it. It is a mystery to me.
Don’t take these unless you have bloodwork that shows e2/PRL are high backed by symptoms (or the other way around)
i trained for 16 years. did two test cycle last year. my current goal is to gain 3-4 kg lean mass
okay sir
If your training has been close to effective, your lean mass goal is pretty lofty. If you have never used an anabolic, I suppose 2kg lean mass is achievable. But that should be noticeable. (My estimates would be a lot more accurate if I had been watching you progress the last couple years.)
How much lean mass did you gain over the last two testosterone cycles? How much did your bench press increase?
i gain almost 6 kg lean mass. actually my body reacted very fast with test. though i have used only 250 mg of test e 1st time and 250 mg of test sust 2nd time. my current bodyweight is 100 kg almost. i do dumbbell and machine press for my shoulder injury. i do incline press with 40 kg dumbbell each hand and decline press for 50 kg each hand.
What is your height?
What does your current training protocol look like currently?
What numbers are you putting up on the major compound barbell lifts (so we can gauge advancement level - unless you’re willing to post a pic)?
Are you on TRT or planning to PCT? If you’re planning on a PCT make sure to plan appropriately in regards to the compounds you’re consuming.
Your last two cycles have been 250mg/wk of test. Have you considered upping your dose to 500mg/wk of test only and skipping the deca entirely? Maybe worth considering.
Did you get initial bloodwork done before starting your cycle?
my height is 5 feet and 9.5 inch. my last cycle was 250 mg of test for 10 week. done my pct 1.5 month ago. based on hcg and exemestane. never used clomid and nolva. actually i always want to use low dose. because i saw most of the bodybuilders suffered from high dose. okay i may considered this. im married and have a child. what should be the pct protocol if i use 500mg test. one more thing to ask about deca dick. could it happen in low dose of deca? or should i consider tbol?
This isn’t PCT.
You seem to be all over the place. You haven’t done the necessary basic research which is a must. In order to get educated well thought out answers you need to pose educated, well thought out questions. Use the search function.
okay.thanks for your suggestion.
It never happened with me. While I did use Deca often, I never took more than 200mg/wk, and never more than 12 weeks on.
But every one could respond differently
thanks for your response. after deciding to use deca i was checking for more information in youtube and various. but i saw some people faced horrible effects. thats why i am thinking twice. does tbol can be better subs of deca? sorry my english is not good.
I never used Tbol, so I cannot comment on its effectiveness. Dianabol was my favorite oral, and is probably the most singularly effective AAS if you could take only one.
Anavar is good and particularly safe compared to other orals.
thanks sir. one more question. what result deca gives you @ 200mg?? and did you use any dht blocker or ai?