First Time Cycle Help

My buddy and I are thinking of trying our first Test E only cycle. 10 week cycle at 500mg a week injections twice a week, is what we were thinking. Here is what we have planned so far, if anything is missing or wrong such as the doses please tell us, because we want to do this right.

W 1-10: 500mg Test e/week
W 1: .25mg Adex/daily
W 2-10: .25mg Adex/EOD
If our joints get dry we will be taking Taurine to help this.


W 11: .25mg Adex/E3D, Clomid 150mg/daily
W 12: .25mg Adex/E4D, Clomid 100mg/daily
W 13: Clomid 50mg/Daily
W 14: Clomid 50mg/Daily

W 15: Start Natural test booster

If there is anything we are missing from this cycle or PCT then give us your input.

Age, stats, training history?

Cycle looks good. Only thing is run the AI @ .25 mgs eod and then go ED if need be. No reason to change your dosage after the first week unless you run into estrogen related sides.

You are beginning your PCT too soon. Need to give about 2 weeks to let the TE clear. So start at the beginning of Week 13.

I recommend everyone take HCG during their cycle to aide in recovery and preserve testicular fullness. 250 iu three times/week.

Discontinue the week before PCT.

never heard of taurine for dry joints alot of ppl use it for back pumps with a non aromatizing steroid. glucosamine really does the trick for me and its cheap. im just throwin it out there if ur joints act up lowering the adex would solve the problem at its source. im just throwing this out there so u take notice if uve done reaserch that says taurine is effective for dry joints then go for it more power to u. im sure using both wont hurrt good luck on the cycle

for joint you can also try a little fish oil and you should start the natural test booster 2 weeks into pct to help with recovery

[quote]aaron777 wrote:
Age, stats, training history?[/quote]

Both 23 years old, one of us is 6’0 and other is 6’1, weight between 160-170 depending on bf% ranges from 4-7%, training experience with diet and solid routine, 4 years.

4% bodyfat eh?


[quote]rds63799 wrote:
4% bodyfat eh?


lol what would be the point in lying? Check out the pics I just added in my photo section, the pictures are from today and I guarantee we aren’t over 6% as we started bulking for the upcoming cycle. As I said between 4-7% I didn’t say we stay at 4% but there are days where we def get that low. Don’t hate on people you don’t even know, I wouldn’t lie and expect good feedback.

looking at your pictures id say your anywhere from 7-10% bud. And it looks like you havent even gone through puberty yet so plz for the love of god do not cycle.

you are 6 feet 165 pounds…i dont give a shit how low your bodyfat is at that weight and height, you need to eat a sandwich and train hard…what you DONT need are steroids…

[quote]VTBalla34 wrote:
You are beginning your PCT too soon. Need to give about 2 weeks to let the TE clear. So start at the beginning of Week 13.
I recommend everyone take HCG during their cycle to aide in recovery and preserve testicular fullness. 250 iu three times/week.
Discontinue the week before PCT.[/quote]

Thanks, here is my revised cycle so far

W 1-10: 500mg Test e/week
W 1-10: 250iu HCG/2 times a week (up it to 3 if shrinkage occurs)
W 1-10: .25mg Adex/EOD (up it to ED if any gyno flare ups)

W 11 OFF: 250iu HCG/2 times a week, Adex. 25mg/EOD
W 12: OFF: Adex .25mg/EOD


W 13: .25mg Adex/E3D, Clomid 150mg/daily
W 14: .25mg Adex/E4D, Clomid 100mg/daily
W 15: Clomid 50mg/Daily, Start Natural Test booster.
W 15: Clomid 50mg/Daily

[quote]VTBalla34 wrote:
you are 6 feet 165 pounds…i dont give a shit how low your bodyfat is at that weight and height, you need to eat a sandwich and train hard…what you DONT need are steroids…[/quote]

Bud I probably eat more than you and healthier too. difference is I dont sit on my fat ass all day I work physical labour. I eat 5000 cals min a day with 240 up to 300g of protein a day. All I use is whey protein, no shitty weight gainers basically all of our calories come from food abd milk. say what you want it wont stop me from doing the cycle. I ATG squat 340, dead 400 and bench 280 and I’v been stuck at 160-170lbs for 2 years.


diet advice from an anorexic…

…seriously though you’re not 4% bodyfat. You really need to get a bit bigger before cycling. The fact you’ve been stuck at the same weight for 2 years shows you don’t know how to eat to gain, so if you do a cycle you’ll just lose it all when you come off. Is that what you want? Obviously not.

Just be patient and get a bit bigger, once you’ve learned how to do that then cycle away my boy!

[quote]testtube89 wrote:

[quote]VTBalla34 wrote:
you are 6 feet 165 pounds…i dont give a shit how low your bodyfat is at that weight and height, you need to eat a sandwich and train hard…what you DONT need are steroids…[/quote]

Bud I probably eat more than you and healthier too. difference is I dont sit on my fat ass all day I work physical labour. I eat 5000 cals min a day with 240 up to 300g of protein a day. All I use is whey protein, no shitty weight gainers basically all of our calories come from food abd milk. say what you want it wont stop me from doing the cycle. I ATG squat 340, dead 400 and bench 280 and I’v been stuck at 160-170lbs for 2 years. [/quote]

The funniest part is you are both 23; probably the type of kids that wanna get “swole” … and think going to the gym for an hr to bench 4 times a week, then on weekends head to the bars, get plastered and then claim " ohhhh fuck me my metabolism!!! Its so fast oh mah gawdd what shall i doo!!!" jesus christ if you do eat 5000 calories a day i really would love to see your diet…

JUST STOP… u have no idea wtf your doing

and im 19 and i rep all your maxes… and dont even train for strength… at all…

[quote]testtube89 wrote:

[quote]VTBalla34 wrote:
you are 6 feet 165 pounds…i dont give a shit how low your bodyfat is at that weight and height, you need to eat a sandwich and train hard…what you DONT need are steroids…[/quote]

Bud I probably eat more than you and healthier too. difference is I dont sit on my fat ass all day I work physical labour. I eat 5000 cals min a day with 240 up to 300g of protein a day. All I use is whey protein, no shitty weight gainers basically all of our calories come from food abd milk. say what you want it wont stop me from doing the cycle. I ATG squat 340, dead 400 and bench 280 and I’v been stuck at 160-170lbs for 2 years. [/quote]

Jesus Fucking Christ…I’m getting lectured by some skinny ass about how hard I don’t work and how fat (?) I am. I guess 12% bodyfat at 275 is fat now…that’s weird…

I warm up with your fucking maxes you pathetic little twink…

Grow a set of balls princess…there’s no such thing as a hard gainer, just a lazy eater…get your buddy’s cock out of your mouth so you can actually eat real food

[quote]VTBalla34 wrote:

[quote]testtube89 wrote:

[quote]VTBalla34 wrote:
you are 6 feet 165 pounds…i dont give a shit how low your bodyfat is at that weight and height, you need to eat a sandwich and train hard…what you DONT need are steroids…[/quote]

Bud I probably eat more than you and healthier too. difference is I dont sit on my fat ass all day I work physical labour. I eat 5000 cals min a day with 240 up to 300g of protein a day. All I use is whey protein, no shitty weight gainers basically all of our calories come from food abd milk. say what you want it wont stop me from doing the cycle. I ATG squat 340, dead 400 and bench 280 and I’v been stuck at 160-170lbs for 2 years. [/quote]

Jesus Fucking Christ…I’m getting lectured by some skinny ass about how hard I don’t work and how fat (?) I am. I guess 12% bodyfat at 275 is fat now…that’s weird…

I warm up with your fucking maxes you pathetic little twink…

Grow a set of balls princess…there’s no such thing as a hard gainer, just a lazy eater…get your buddy’s cock out of your mouth so you can actually eat real food

get your buddies cock out just made me spit my breakfast everywhere hahaha

Funny, VtBalla good for you, you can lift a lot of weight. I work out for looks not strength, and on the beach or anywhere for that matter guaranteed both pick up hotter chicks. you can lift alot bud, but you’ll never fix your face. and as for the pathetic jim with the arnold pic. you dont even have pics on your profile, just for that your a bitch your probably an out of shape fuck.

lmao u guys are funny