Hi all, I took your advice earlier and revised my cycle. It is now somewhat consistant with what I read in Anabolics 2006, and the cycle is pretty much:
Week 1-6 Tren Ace 100mg EOD
Week 1-6 Stanabol 25mg ED
Week 1-9 Cabaser 0.5mg E3D
Week 7-9 Clomid 50mg ED
How does this sound to everybody? Don’t want to add test as that would require more AIs and that would raise the question of “what’s causing the gyno”, whereas now it’s the progest or prolac. and Cab should clear that right up.
2nd cycle. First cycle was Tbol only for 5 weeks. Now 3 months ago.
Age: 24
W: 180 lbs.
H: 6".
Fat: 10%
I have read alot on Tren and I am running the Ace ester due to the short length and the fact I can get off if it gets too bad.
Also concidering throwing in 250iu of HCG 2 times a week to keep the boys happy and plump. Bit curious how you administer it, I’ve not used HCG in my previous cycle, but then again Tren might be so supressive that it is wise to include even in a 6 weeker like this?
I’d rather not deal with the whole test and gyno issue, so I was thinking 500iu a week of HCG would give my body the test it needs for the basic functions of test while I’m on. Also, it’d keep the boys happy and all.
I figure a 500iu EW dose of HCG doesn’t pose a risk of aromatizing and causing gyno, like a real dose of test might… HCG pretty much stimulates my own production into making test, no?
Am now leaning over to running the cycle as it stands, but without the HCG as it’s 6 weeks and I’d be on cab the whole time.
Also thinking about extending PCT with one week and running 10mg of Dbol mornings in the 1st week post Tren/winny, as it can help with cortisol levels and also add some test in my system. As I’d be taking mornings only and doing Clomid at the same time I reckon gyno chances to be extremely low.
[quote]Raab wrote:
2nd cycle. First cycle was Tbol only for 5 weeks. Now 3 months ago.
Age: 24
W: 180 lbs.
H: 6".
Fat: 10%
Okay so you are trying a Trenbolone cycle for your second cycle? Thats cool. But are you sure that you even train? 24 6’0 180 pounds with 10% body fat. That leaves 162 pounds of LBM on your rather tall frame. You are a stick. Sticks do not need to take anabolic cycles. Sticks need to get their stick of a self in the gym and in he kitchen cooking and eating.
Furthermore you have only had an oral cycle before this one. Your first injectible cycle should be test. You have no idea how you will react to injectible gear, and you pick the one with the most side effects and risks involved. You probably don’t know yet how to inject yourself but you pick a compound that requires every day injections.
There are some major fatal flaws in your thinking here. I reccomend holding off on any cycle until you fix these flaws.
Please tell me you compete in a sport where you have to maintain being in a certain weight range (like boxing).
If not, there is no reason 4 u 2 be using steroids being 6 foot and a buck 80. And you certainly shouldn’t be cutting being 6 foot and 180. All your money should go to food not juice!
[quote]half-life wrote:
Please tell me you compete in a sport where you have to maintain being in a certain weight range (like boxing).
If not, there is no reason 4 u 2 be using steroids being 6 foot and a buck 80. And you certainly shouldn’t be cutting being 6 foot and 180. All your money should go to food not juice!
I couldn’t agree with these guys more…you need to eat more bra. To the contrary of 1/2 life though I hope you are not currently participating in athletics; have you ever heard of being easily winded whilst on tren?
It has been a few days since your last post…where did you land? I would like to see you take a test only cycle like is recommended (see newbie thread) maybe even kick start it with some dbol; take an AI while you’re on it too so you don’t get a big bloated head like I did back in the day before AI’s.
Thanks for the heads up guys, but I’m really not the stick you make me out to be, hehe. I’m lean, but muscular, and as for having to keep weight… Well, no, I don’t. I just enjoy keeping a certain level of leanness over the year… As for strengh, I do chins and dips with alot of added weight… But back to the cycle…
I’m not sure I agree that Tren is the most dangrerous or the steroid with the worst side effects… From what I’ve read, and from what my friends have done on their cycles, it’s not hard on your kidnies or your liver, it doesn’t make you retain much water, so it’s lower on the bp than test. HDL/LDL would be affected somewhat like it is by pratcially all steroids, but I’m more worried about the winstrol there, thus why I’m running it at low doses.
I just don’t agree that test is less dangerous at say 600mg EW than is Tren at these doses… Although I would concede that test probably makes you feel better than does this stuff.
I’ll be going ahead with Tren/winny unless I can see some real evidence for Tren’s scariest sides (IE. Liver, kidneys, lun scarring), because so far what I’ve read about these is that they’re bullcrap.
I do realize there are some risks with regards to BP and the heart, but I’lll be monitoring my BP daily during cycle.
First, Im french Canadian so my english is real bad, hope you can understand. thank you!
Hi buddy,
I’m please to see your post since I?m in the same situation as I’m about to start a tren acetate only cycle with T3.
First let me say that I’m glad to see someone who has the same vision as I, I did not want to start with bulking water steroid like d-bol, anadrol or testo, and plus I?m sick of the (shirt on syndrome) you know what I mean, about 90% percent of the guys who are on juice look good with a shirt on since they have big guns but it stops right there, when you saw them at the beach its a REAL JOKE!! Big big and no definition at all!!
Everyone trains for a goal, I got mines: Brad Pitt’s shape in Fight Club or Leonidas in the movie 300, that?s a real shape by my standards! I’ve been training for 3 years and I’ve hit a platform and I’m stuck in it since 6 months so I have no choice but to come to the juice, but what’s juice should I look? do I want to look like those mammoths in the gyms who are not ripped at all, hell no…Big guns, big face, water rentention…
Yeah sure those mammoths (and it’s not a pejorative form) lifts heavy ass weights and are creating a buzz around other guys in the gym but guess what, I?m not training for men but for ladies! and I’m sure that 90% of the ladies at least would prefers a Brad Pitt/Leonidas shape instead of The Rock(wrestler) shape for instance.
Ok so that?s my choice and I respect everyone’s choice too, keep the guys starring at the weights you lift at the gym while I keep the ladies starring at me at the beach…My view of the whole thing?
So I think that would do it for my preambule and what are my motivations to start a tren cycle as yes my first cycle. After exhaustive research I?ve been eliminating steroids and I?ve come up to tren acetate and Equipoise, but decide to run Tren now during summer and Eq during college sessions this fall since it?s less aggressive on the mind part?
So I’m 23; I’ve been training for 3 steady years:
Weight: 195
Height: 6’3
Bf: 9%
That’s the cycle I’m plannig to start on July the 9th:
Week 1 to 6: tren 37.5 mg ed
Week 1 to 6: T3(cytomel) 12.5mg/day to 50mg/day after 3 weeks decreasing it to 12.5 to finish it.
week 6-7: Clen (not quite sure about the ideal dose if someone can give me a clue) 20 mcg/day seems the obvious choice?
Week 6-8 Clomid 150mg day first week
100 mg day second week
50 mg day third week
Vitamins B-6 through the cycle and extra Vitamins C in my PCT to limit cortisol?
Interrogation mark: Since I don?t have an aromatise compound gyno shouldn?t be a problem since progesterone isn?t directly rely to gyno, in fact it’s the prolactin that result that can interfere with estrogens…So should I take BROMOCRIPTIN to stop production of prolactin at the pituitary gland? If yes at what dose?
Thank you!
I joined a picture of me before starting my cycle.
[quote]WIllieBeeman wrote:
Everyone trains for a goal, I got mines: Brad Pitt’s shape in Fight Club or Leonidas in the movie 300, that?s a real shape by my standards!
You’re already bigger than Pitt in Fight Club.
Why would your goals involve two vastly different physiques?
[quote]Raab wrote:
I just don’t agree that test is less dangerous at say 600mg EW than is Tren at these doses… Although I would concede that test probably makes you feel better than does this stuff. [/quote]
[quote]WIllieBeeman wrote:
First let me say that I’m glad to see someone who has the same vision as I, I did not want to start with bulking water steroid like d-bol, anadrol or testo,
Well, it sounds like you guys have done some homework. But you skipped over the intro chapters. Testosterone can’t be considered any more “dangerous” than other AAS nor is it some evil “bulking water steroid.”
A couple reminders:
-you can add muscle with it
-you can lose fat with it
-your body produces it
-you can bulk with it
-you can cut with it
-you can control its sides (like water retention)
Of course it’s your decision to make. But you really do need to know that test can fit into the goals of every cycle. And for many, it does.
Gotta hate those plateaus that you cant bust through at a whompin 195 lbs at 6 ft 3. Sorry man but you need some high quality food and training. Steriods are not always the answer just because you have hit a plateau.
And please do some more reseach before you start spewing all that crap about what you think a proper test based cycle does for people.
Tren is a great compound when combined with test and typically at a lower dose than the test as well.
[quote]WIllieBeeman wrote:
First, Im french Canadian so my english is real bad, hope you can understand. thank you!
Hi buddy,
I’m please to see your post since I?m in the same situation as I’m about to start a tren acetate only cycle with T3.
First let me say that I’m glad to see someone who has the same vision as I, I did not want to start with bulking water steroid like d-bol, anadrol or testo, and plus I?m sick of the (shirt on syndrome) you know what I mean, about 90% percent of the guys who are on juice look good with a shirt on since they have big guns but it stops right there, when you saw them at the beach its a REAL JOKE!! Big big and no definition at all!!
Everyone trains for a goal, I got mines: Brad Pitt’s shape in Fight Club or Leonidas in the movie 300, that?s a real shape by my standards! [/quote]
Those are real shapes? Brad Pitt was very small in fight club, and Leonidas was very big in 300. Those two are like comparing apples and oranges.
You’re a stick. 6’3 under 200 lbs makes you a stick. You need to increase your calories, intenisty and focus on your diet. No gear will help you become a non-stick. Only using your jaw will make you a non-stick.
[quote]do I want to look like those mammoths in the gyms who are not ripped at all, hell no…Big guns, big face, water rentention…
Yeah sure those mammoths (and it’s not a pejorative form) lifts heavy ass weights and are creating a buzz around other guys in the gym but guess what, I?m not training for men but for ladies! [/quote]
If you are training for the ladies you are training for the wrong reasons. You need to train for yourself, and your pleasure. If you are thinking of using gear for the ladies, you are even more deluded.
Wrong again. Most the women I know go insane over The Rock, and Brad Pitt is whatever. You just think that the ladies would prefer what you think, but once again, big surprise, you’re wrong again.
[quote]Ok so that?s my choice and I respect everyone’s choice too, keep the guys starring at the weights you lift at the gym while I keep the ladies starring at me at the beach…My view of the whole thing?
So I think that would do it for my preambule and what are my motivations to start a tren cycle as yes my first cycle. After exhaustive research I?ve been eliminating steroids and I?ve come up to tren acetate and Equipoise, but decide to run Tren now during summer and Eq during college sessions this fall since it?s less aggressive on the mind part? [/quote]
Both of these cycles are flawed, poorly researched, and dangerous. Every new person thinks they read, and researched, and have all their things perfect until they realize down the line that they never were the perfect one they thought they were.
[quote]So I’m 23; I’ve been training for 3 steady years:
Weight: 195
Height: 6’3
Bf: 9%[/quote]
You are too young and haven’t been training long enough or developed enough to start cycling. Point blank, period.
I’m really getting sick of all the newbies who come in here asking for help, haven’t done their research and want it all right away without hard work or diet or dedication. There is a reason Tren isn’t reccomended for a first cycle. However you came up with the idea of Tren Ace and Clen/T3 for a first cycle, you need to forget about it.
Put in some effort, time and food and watch yourself iomprove.
Wow exactly what I expect, a classic mammoth answer, but glad to hear what’s your intake on this…
I won’t take test, d-bol or anadrol, ever! I just dont like the results of these compounds, I really dont care what the majority of the guys do since I dont want the shape of the majority of the juicers…I know that my viewpoint may be hard to understand for many since for some strange reasons most of the juicers just want to get big, without having a proper symetry.
Im not one of those and I’m not in a hurry since I want to improve my lean mass slowly but surely…Like Dexter Jackson which is the only bodybuilder that I like.
‘‘You don’t need juice to look like Brad Pit or Leonidas’’…oh my … Im kind of tired of this lame answer, It’s 20 times easier to builk than being cut if you wanna go big here’s your recipe, just eat like a pig, take Test 400 with D-bol to kick your cycle an train 3-4 times a week cause you need proper rest to grow.
But to be that cut and symetric as Brad and Leonidas, you have to be on a olympian strict extremely low on fat diet, well balanced on protein and vitamins, you have to train 6-8 times a week on high reps exercices…You can’t miss a session…
‘‘Training for ladies and not training for yourself is stupid’’…what a poor expression, as you can see my pics: don’t you think that FIRST I dont enjoy myself being Fight club ripped…I train for myself but ladies just happen to love it…
So about the shut down of the test, if I take HcG during my cycle will it will cover my lack of test. Because I really want to avoid test because of the estrogens ,as tren is progestagenic it can really create a tenacious gyno en thats what I want to avoid at all cost, so no estrogenic compound for me, I will take about 500iu of HcG weekly…
My goal is to gain a solid 5 pounds of lean muscle and to lower my BF to 8% wich I think is pretty realistic with my cycle.
Im kind of tired of guys like you who think they’re a kingpin in the steroid world, dammit I have read to these days:
Layman’s guide to steroid 1 , 2 and 3
Dino’s anabolic gameplan
The truth about bodybuilding
George Spellwin Chemic wizard
all the drug profile on steroids site.
So give me a break man on the newb impression, I have read enough that I can give you a complete breakdown on each compunds available, I think I have done my homeworks and now its time to walk the talk by trying whats fits me the best base on my goals.
So instead of helping me with an objective answer youre just downgrading me…allright it’s you’re viewpoint after all…
and I’m sure that 90% of the ladies at least would prefers a Brad Pitt/Leonidas shape instead of The Rock(wrestler) shape for instance.
Wrong again. Most the women I know go insane over The Rock, and Brad Pitt is whatever. You just think that the ladies would prefer what you think, but once again, big surprise, you’re wrong again.
Oh wow and I forgot this point, youre probably not living in the same world as I, just make a quick poll around you and ask the ladies about leonidas shape in 300, they will go nuts!! And about The Rock, lets say inCcorpion King they will say, well he’s big and massive but that’s it, you know what because big guys are pouring these days; you see guys on d-bol everywere it’s not even cool anymore, but when you see a guy fit and cut well thats unique cause for 1 leonidas’s shape we can find 50 The Rock’s shape…
You guys just don’t understand but thats allright with me, I’ll keep the ladies and and I’ll let you keep the heavy weights and the illusion that youre a attrative being watery big…