Hello all,
This will be my first time ever trying to see the scale go up. I saw it drop this summer, and now I plan to bulk throughout the winter.
I want to do a clean bulk to minimize fat gain, since I never want to go back to being big and squishy. Since I’m a beginner to lifting, I’m doing Rippetoe’s starting strength routine (very excited).
I am wondering if I should just stick to what I was doing to diet, just increase calories. Are there formulas for how much proteins, carbs, and fats I should roughly get during a bulking phase? Or is it more of a wing it and watch the mirror kind of thing.
I have read a lot about how former fat guys need to do things a little bit differently, so I want to make sure my approach to this isn’t flawed.
My current stats are:
20 years old, 6ft tall, 178lbs@18%bf, noob to lifting.
When I was losing weight, I followed the 7 habits, tried to get 200g of protein, like 22g’s of each fat (olive oil, flax, sat.), and kept my carb intake low.
From what I know already, my calories to maintain is roughly 2600, so I’m guessing I should slowly ramp that up to about 3200, and make sure I get plenty of protein. What kind of ratios should I be looking at for P/F/C?
Any input greatly appreciated, thanks for all your help so far.