Hi T Nation,
I am considering running my first Dbol + Test cycle (I’ve done Test-only cycle before) and need any feedback on my protocol before starting, so any advice would be appreciated!
Dbol: 20mg/day for 8wks
Test cyp: 400mg/wk for 10wks.
Aromasin: 10mg EOD in case of high E2
Organ support supp
Clomid: start 1-2wks after last Test injection. 150mg on first day, 100mg on second day, then 50mg for 3wks.
Test: 150mg/wk to cruise
Would you consider starting dbol at 40mg for the first 4wks then 20mg for the last 4 wks? I start at 20mg to “ease it in” (since I don’t know how my body will react and trying to minimize side effects), and maybe increase to 40mg for the last 4 wks?
Would you not experience any side effects going from super high dose to low (maintenance) dose? And in terms of keeping the gain as much as possible, does it matter to do or not to do PCT if you are already on TRT? Would you slowly taper the Test or it doesn’t matter? Sorry to bombard you with so many questions, I just want to plan ahead. TIA
A PCT is to stimulate HPTA back to action in simple terms. Your feedback loop is broken when you take Testosterone in replacement or PED levels. It’s not going work regardless so PCT is only beneficial to those going back to natural production. If you want I can explain more technically how the HPTA works but you can google that and also sometimes the chart helps you picture the action.
Ease into what? If you need to take 20mg to hit your goals then take 20mg. If your goals require 40mg, then you take that. Along with 400mg of Test this sounds like a massive overkill of a first cycle, but I don’t know your plans or why you’re doing this.
Why are you running a pCT if you are just going to cruise? Makes no sense.
Don’t take the AI prematurely. I’d wait until you get into the cycle nd see if you need it at all.