First PROPER Cycle

Hello everyone, first time posting here after years of research via this site.

I’m sure you all noticed ‘PROPER’ from the title. I say this because last year I ran a cycle along side an ‘old-school’ competition bodybuilder who would never PCT(swore by it…). We had already began the cycle and near the end I tried to make a quick fix when I found my Estradiol to be 102 ng/ml by using what I now believe is a gimmick; Post Cycle/Unleashed, and HCGenerate.

We ran the following; 1-12 Test E @ 500mg /wk, 1-10 Deca 400mg /wk, 1-4 Dbol 30mg /wk. I know how much shit Im going to get for running such a stupid first cycle especially w/o a PCT. Let me say I suffered enough when I couldn’t get it up for my girlfriend due to prolactin build up.


I now plan to run a proper cycle as soon as my pre-cycle bloodwork comes in and checks out.

Age: 24
Weight: 192
Height: 6’ 1"
Years Lifting: 6+

The Plan:
1-4 Dbol 30mg /wk
1-10 Test E 600mg /wk (Tue/Sat pins?)
1-10 Anastrazole .25mg ED
1-12 HCG 500iu 2x /wk EDIT: Changed to 250iu 2x /wk
12-16 Clomid 50/50/50/50, Nolva 20/20/10

Of course I will have extra Nolva on hand in case I need. HCG may need to be taken out as I am having the worst time trying to find a suitable source.

Any feedback/suggestions is greatly appreciated!


1000iu is a little overkil for the HCG. Id do 500iu/wk. Discontinue the HCG 3-4 days before PCT

I’ve been reading so many different topics related to HCG usage but it seems 250ui 2x /wk is the most effective and efficient. Thanks for the feedback Cougar.

If I have to take out HCG will I still be okay? Every source has been out of stock lately. Perhaps I’ll wait till it comes back but it’s usually over 2 months.

I wouldnt cycle without it


I’m also now reading that Nolva and Clomid together basically cancel each other out? It is best to simply take Nolva only for PCT?

Wnat to do this absolutely right this time.

[quote]GetBulk wrote:
I’m also now reading that Nolva and Clomid together basically cancel each other out? It is best to simply take Nolva only for PCT?
Source: Thoughts on Planning PCT - Pharma - Forums - T Nation

Wnat to do this absolutely right this time.

nolva and clomid don’t cancel each other out

Do you guys think my cycle is suitable then? Is 12 weeks too long to run HCG? I’m getting way too many different answers on the lengths, dosages,etc.

Dude your never going to get a solid answer on what not to run, what to run, at what dose, or for how long. Every person on here has their own way. For every thing I agree with there is atleast one thing I don’t agree with with just about every member in this section. Just like Cougarpride swears by HCG and would never run with out it. I think its a waste of money that could be better spent by buying more test. Most agree you should come off and PCT. I believe if your dedicated enough to run AAS then you should run it for a very long time. I don’t believe in cycling off and I think it is a waste of money and your efforts. If what ever sport it is you are running a cycle for is important enough for you to put your health, wallet, and possibly freedom at risk then you should not waste time PCTibg and basically taking 2 steps forward and 1 step back every 4 months when you could just keep going forward the entire time.

I’m not saying the way I do it is right or any better than any one else. I am simply saying that until you do your research and then more or less trial by fire eliminate what does and what doesn’t work for you’re never really going to find the exact answer your looking for. Continuing to look for the answer on a forum full of guys all with different goals and approaches will land you nothing but, a bunch of different approaches.