Look heres what ive decided to do with gear based on what ive read. And alot of the guys say you have to test out and try to see what works for that individual
Im at week 10 right now.
1-10 test prop 400 mg a week
1-4 eq 300 mg a week
1-10 75 mg winstrol a week
4-10 50 mg anavar daily
Im competing in the NPC teen open class and im looking to g far with this oppurtunity. Please guys help me out
That cycle looks like absolute random shit and I hope you are running a liver aid otherwise you could be for a surprise.
Why the hell did you run EQ for 4 weeks… that is just enough time for it to start working and then you just shut it off.
Why the hell are you running winny @75 mg daily and WHY THE HELL are you running it for 10 weeks. Then WHY THE FUCKING HELL are you running a high dose of winny on top of another oral at a moderate doseage. Do you just not give a fuck about your liver.
Why the hell would you ask for advice 10 weeks into your cycle.
Your a prime example of why a teen should not run gear. Not only is your body not ready or in need of it you go off the advice of what some idiot trying to make some money tells you to do and God forbid you do even a ounce of your own research and learn how to properly run a cycle and you comes up with something like the cluster fuck above.
Most amusing part of the whole thing is you have not even mentioned PCT… I am afraid to ask what do you plan on running for PCT…do you even know what a PCT is?
I have hit 295lbs but I would say 280lbs if you want perfect form. Also I have 3 different pairs of bands. No chains. Could easily make a few bench boards. And have a power rack that I can use for RA k presses and what not