heytey225 and Jeremey
First off as far as us never metting Mentzer and therefore not being able to call him an asshole in life or death is off the mark because for one thing HE CHOSE to be in the public eye through bodybuilding, books, articles, the net etc. I am sure there may be some of you who question me as insensitive because I never met Mentzer yet you were probably the first to think the Late Dan Duchaine was a nut or kamakaze whenever he would bring up an idea or supplement that was questionable. Why? Becasue he was in the public eye too.
Heres a good example. We don’t know 99% of the child molesters, murderers in jail or out of jail personally nor do we know 99% of the politicians out there either but we have no problem liking, hating or judging them. Why again? Because of how they present themselves publicly.
I really don’t care whether someone thinks heavy duty works or not, and yes I have tried it and it does have some application here and there for me. And if it works for you I am not going to slag you and tell you that you are wrong which brings me to my point about Mentzer.
Unlike the rest of us, Mike always spouted off to the the world that anyone who didn't do his training philosophy was wrong even if we make gains.There is no "one" valid training theory out there period, whther you like it or not because for example "one set training" may give you size/strength but on another person give them injury, no strength or size gains etc.
Basically speaking one kid can eat peanut butter till it comes out his ears while another kid will die from the scent of nuts.
When it comes to people and anything they try,do injest etc there is no such thing as “one” valid theory.
As far as my comments about Mentzer, again he chose to be in the public eye so I have every right to my opinion as you do.
Other than that I have no bad feelings toward anyone who does not like what I wrote.