Hey guys. I’m a new member but I’ve been lurking for many years. I am going to compete in my first Men’s Physique comp this summer towards the very end of June.
I was looking for advice regarding my training (weak body parts) for and diet for contest prep as well as as just general things I should be doing (supplements ) or thinking about leading up to the contest.
Bodyweight: 158
bf: not sure but definitely below 9%
doubt these mean anything but…
Bench: 260
Squat: 350
Power Clean: 205
Deadlift: around 450 but I stopped deadlifting a year ago
pics: still trying to figure out how to do this…
Other info: I’ve been training for 5 years (seriously for 3) I following a very high volume routine as Im kind of a pre workout junky and I don’t feel like going into detail but my split is
Day 1: Chest/Back/Traps 60+ sets
Day 2: Arms (Shoulders, Triceps, Biceps,)
Day 3: tbh about 50% of the time I just repeat Day 1 but its supposed to be legs 40+ sets and forearms
Breakfast 3 boiled eggs
Lunch: Sandwich; Turkey, Cheese, Lettuce, and Light Mayo on a roll.
Dinner: whatever my parents make me, but pretty much always consists of carbs (rice or past), protein and fats(chicken or fish), and veggies off
Prebed shake: 24 oz of whole milk and 2 raw jumbo eggs and one a day multivitamin
Yeah I know I have a typical bro split and my diet is shit cuz I have to eat what Im given.
Anyways I recently got my first job so my diet is open to change and I just bought some new sups (BCAAs, whey, hemavol, and preworkout.)
thanks in advance for any advice