I’ve been a T-Nation “follower” for quite some time, but I’m just beginning to take advantage of the perks of being a member. Just a little background info… I’m 18 years old. I started lifting when I was 14, and trained like an idiot. I started getting my act together when I was about 16, so I’d say I have about 2 years of legitimate, solid training.
Height: 5’11
Current Bodyweight: 204
From the last time I’ve maxed at the big three…
Bench: 315
Deadlift: 445
Squat: 275 (thanks to my negligence to train legs for about 2 years)
This is actually a weird time for me to begin posting my log, because next weekend I will be shipping out for Army Basic Training for ten weeks…during which I probably won’t be within a 5 mile radius of a barbell. But whatever, here we go:
Right now I’m basing my current program off of Chad Waterburry’s HFT. Most of the workouts are taken directly from his articles and his book, Huge in a Hurry, although I’ve added my own twist here and there. For those who aren’t familiar with the program, its based on morning and evening sessions. Exercises are performed in pairings (perform A1, perform A2, repeat, move onto B, etc.). Mornings are heavy, evenings are for speed/endurance.
Also, I realize that Waterburry tends to stay away from straight sets, but I post them for the sake of simplicity. And now, finally…
Tuesday 5/10/11
A.M. Session - 9:00am
A1. Conventional Deadlift: 365
A2. Weighted Dips: 65 lb dumbell attached
Sets: 4 Reps: 3
B1. Bent Rows: 205
B2. Hammer Curls: 50 lb db each hand
Sets: 4 Reps: 3
C1. Close Grip Bench: 215
C2. Shrugs: 315
Sets: 4 Reps: 3
Situps 2 x 25
1 mile run: Started at 6:47 pace, increased to 6:30 something pace midway through. This is an awesome time for me. I signed up for ROTC a couple of months ago at my school, and like I said, I’m shipping to basic next week. We have to run a certain 2 mile time, and it scared the shit put of me, considering at the time I enlisted, I could barely run a 9 min mile…
Also, as a side note, rep conversions for my deadlift don’t make any sense, I know. Sets of 365 are heavy for me, but for some reason, my body is able to do single with much heavier weight.
P.M. Session - 8:00pm
A1. Romanian Deadlifts: 185
A2. Decline Bench: 185
Sets: 3 Reps: 14
B1. Bent Rows: 135
B2. BB Curls: 65
Sets: 3 Reps: 14
C1. Weird shrug, clean, press movement with db: 25 lb each hand
C2. Bodyweight dips
Sets: 3 Reps: 14
Situps 2 x 25
Cardio can kiss my ass.
Evening sessions are pretty easy. The emphasis is to explode with the weight, and lift with as much speed as possible. That’s it for now, until tomorrow. Comments/critiques are appreciated!