[quote]RSA_Muscle wrote:
Ok. How do I put together a Sust250 only cycle? I was told all I’d need to do is inject once a week. Isn’t that correct?
Yes please flame me and correct me.
I don’t want to stack anything w/ the Sustanon preferably because I don’t want to experience heavy side effects, especially blood pressure related, some elevation is fine though. (the person I got this from said I should stack an oral steroid like dbol with this but that side effects would be more pronounced)
Then I assume I’ll take the HCG and SERMS for pct.
Could I also take a DHT blocker during the cycle?
I know I’ll get flamed for this. 
Last q- do longer cycles result in more permanant gains?[/quote]
I will give you some credit; you at least admit that you may be wrong in your thinking.
Alright, sust is not my favorite because of the multi esters but it can be used. If you are to go ahead with this cycle there are several things you should know about sustanon250. First it has prop in it so to keep blood levels steady you will need to inject it every other day. This may appear to be a pain but it will be worth it. Next, due to the longest ester in the drug you will not be able to attempt PCT until 3 weeks after your last injection. Also because of the long esters you will need to extend the length of a cycle longer than 8 weeks. 12 should be fine, and while you are at it pick up more sust and run 500mg/week. Yes you will get some gains off of only 250mg/week but the gains off of 500 will be far greater and well worth the money.
Now as far as the HCG, IMO you do not need it for this cycle. Second if you were to use it, do not include it in PCT, especially at 5000iu per week. Running this high amount during PCT will only desensitize you and make recovery harder. If you were to run it, do so during the cycle with 250iu injections 2x per week.
Good call only running test for your first, really that it all you need.
PCT is when you use your SERM of choice, my favorite is nolv but clomid is fine as well. I do not think you will need an AI even at 500mg/week but just in case pick up some adex or aromasin.
Hope this helps