[quote]TheBeat wrote:
At first i thought this was a joke, but realized it’s just an far-from-educated cycle.
First off 100mg twice a week? Everyday-Every other day shots aren’t just to get more dose in your system, it’s to maintain stable blood levels so that you body and mind aren’t on a roller coaster.
Depression one day, wanting to rip someone’s head off the next - just saying, your hormones are swinging and so is your mood.
Tamoxifen during an Tren cycle? Though progesterone sides are rare enough, Nolvadex(tamo) increases progesterone receptor sensitivity, therefore sides - if prone. The dose is too small to be protective anyway… Wait…
Your testosterone will be shut down to 0 anyway with the Tren and Stan fluctuating on a very steep wave. So I guess an AI isn’t really needed. Replace the Tamoxifen with Cialis and an penis pump to get it hard during your cycle - after pumping, simply apply a cock ring and you’ll be good to go until your exausted as you ain’t cuming.
If you really want a very harsh on your system, mild cycle…???.. Ummm… Anyway, if you really want to run those two steroids together in low doses why don’t you run them EOD at 60mg or ED at 30mg.
Then again you are going to completely shut down your body’s endogenous production of testosterone so you might what to add at least the same amount of test to your cycle, screw that EQ mentality, use test. Then again, if I were to shut-down my system in search of mild gains I would use mild steroids.
So are you saying that I SHOULDNT take tren twice a week or not?
I am adding sustanon 250mg to my cycle and not using the winny until my fourth week.
Will this work in relation to not shutting my test down completely?
I’m stuck now because every where i read totally different things. Just as i am ready to start, i’m being told that i’m gonna screw it up and so i have to change my cycle plans, again.