First Cycle, Test-E, Dbol, Clomid

hello T-Nation
im about ot run my 1st cycle, i’ve been doing alot of reading and research on what a good cycle would be for a first timer, i’ve seen alot of post from people on this site saying a test only cycle would be good enough, but i’m gonna try something alittle better than that, i’ve already got my gear i’ve been sitting on it for about a week now, i’m dying to get started but i just want to make sure i have everything in order befor i do.

i’ve been reading alot about nutrition and realize how important a good diet is and i’ve put together about a 3,100 cal. diet, most of the info i got for my diet came off the net and some books i got(testosterone transformation by myatt murphy,and arnold schwarzenegger encyclopedia of modern bodybuilding) i’m not gonna post my diet, only because i’m after feed back about my cycle and hopefully some one can point me in a good direction for a heavy bulking workout plan.

i’ve never really tryed to put on alot of mass befor, i’ve been doing med. weight high reps. for as long as i can remember, pretty soild build (except for my beer belly,which ive finally got rid of) i just recently just trimmed down from 225lbs to 21lbs i’m 6’1" and aiming to gain about 25lbs or more of lean mass. so this is the cycle that im gonna run, tell me what you think!!!

weeks 1ml=300mgs
1-12…test-e…1ml monday, 1ml thursday
1-4…d-bol…1/2ml morning,1/2ml evening everyday
3-14…aromasin(exemestane)…1ml eod
PCT…colmid…1ml everyday until gone (4 weeks)

start colmid 2 weeks after last pin,also start aromasin everyday instead of eod.
aromasin 1ml everyday for first 2 weeks of pct then taper down last 2 weeks until colmid is gone…

if anyone has any feed back for me i would appreciate it, and looking for a good bulking routine, thanks

How long have you been training? How old are you? What are the weights you normally handle in a session? You honestly sound very inexperienced atleast with how you wrote this thread. Of you don’t know how to train then you sure as hell have no reason to be on AAS.

Sorry man, this is my 1st post ever. I’m 35, been in the gym for about 2 years. Started out just going to stay in shape, as as a union ironworker I’ve always been in pretty good shape lean and fit, the weight I normally use for bench is 200 lbs.

If I felt like I could lift more then I would just add more reps instead, dumbbell curls I would stick to 45lbs and pretty much do the same thing and so on, About the only thing I lifted heavy would be on the dip bars, I would strap on some weights and pyramid stack untill I couldn’t lift my self up but maybe a few reps.

Only because I rely on upper body strength a lot at work. I also do cardio program, consist of a lot of mountain climbers, burpees, push ups, floor sweeps, lunges and stuff like that, I’m not new to workin out just trying to change what I get out of it now, when I have more time today I will post my hole training session. (At work now) but like I said its not a program for getting size as much as it is a program for staying lean and fit,

[quote]Reed wrote:
How long have you been training? How old are you? What are the weights you normally handle in a session? You honestly sound very inexperienced atleast with how you wrote this thread. Of you don’t know how to train then you sure as hell have no reason to be on AAS.[/quote]

I agree with reed

I appreciate your feed back, but for what reason?

Dont take this as a flame because I tell your inexperienced but honestly want to learn and your over 20 and over 200lbs so you meet everything I think one should before cycling. But you need to do more research man on the drugs, training especially your “program” is horrible I understand you just wanna stay in shape but, I asked for your lifts and all you threw out were bench and curls ( BIG ON FIRE RED FLAG).

Please do some research on proper training. I understand your not trying to be a champion bodybuilder or powerlifter but there are still much better options than what your doing. As for bulking and staying lean or what ever no matter what drugs you run its all about how you eat as to what results your going to get.

Last note I wouldn’t run a oral if all your looking for is a increase of quality of life just run the test alone. No need to put your liver through it and all the bloat would just weigh you down.

Hey reed, thanks man. I was hoping someone with a lot experience would step in and point me in the right direction, what your saying makes perfect sence, got any good links where I can school my self on a proper training program? Like I said before I’m not gonna start a cycle untill EVERYTHING I do is in the right order…other wise there is no point… thanks bro!!!

I dont really have a link unfortunately as almost everything I look at and can refer is pretty much for serious strength training. I am sure some one here though has a pretty good idea but, I dont wanna just throw some generic program out as opposed to something that would actually be tailored to your goal. But possibly go to the powerlifting section. It is full of very knowledgeable guys who train every day people for a living and could answer this much better.