Ok, here’s my stats: 5’10", 180 lbs at 17% bodyfat and am in my mid 20’s.
First off, I have never used 'roids before and I was wanting to try going on a moderately low dose of Test Enanthate together with Proviron and Nolvadex. I’ve got about 4 consecutive years of training under my belt from my late teens to my early twenties but haven’t trained at all in about 3 years. I’ve tried all the usual and semisortasomewhat common training approaches including volume training, HIT, static contraction training, repeated negatives (with assistance from a partner), etc. And here comes the problem: I achieved virtually no gains in muscle\strength at all even with various training\rest\nutrition methods, and thus came to the realization 3 years ago that that would continue to be the case as long as I stayed “natural”. So it was then that I stopped lifting. So now after researching for the last two months or so for about an hour a day on average, I’ve decided to try a cycle. All I’m looking for (at least at the moment) is a moderate enhancement as far as muscle growth goes (mostly for “look” reasons, though strength and feeling good are great too, and I don’t compete in anything, BTW.) and I’m not trying or expecting that there’s any remote sort of chance that I would be able to “get huge” or even get “pretty damn big” off the doseage I’m going to suggest. From the research I’ve done, I find Testosterone Enanthate to be the most appealing because of it’s effects on muscle growth, length of duration, lack of liver toxicity, and side effect profile (I think that the anti-e’s will take care of the estrogenic sides, and thus as far as side effects go, I’m most concerned about restoring my natural Testosterone levels after going off.), and price (including the necessary anti-e’s) being slightly lower for me than Cypionate.
I was thinking of trying a 1 cc amp at 333 mg\ml injected once every 7-10 days. I was also planning on taking 50 milligrams of Proviron and 20 milligrams of Nolvadex on every day of the cycle. Now say that I did this for a handful of weeks to a couple of months in a row and then decided to come off. What if I were to drop the Proviron and Nolvadex down to half starting about 2 weeks after the last injection and continuing at this doseage for another 2 weeks when I’d drop the Proviron comepletely and just continue the Nolvadex at 10 milligrams per day for the next 1-3 weeks or so. Would this be too hard a comedown with my natural Testosterone production inhibited too much? Should I include 50 milligrams of Clomid per day starting about 7-10 days or so after the last injection and let the Clomid “fade in” to my system (because of it’s 5-7 day half-life) as my need for endogenous Testerone production increases and continue with the Clomid for 2-4 weeks? BTW, I’m not interested in using HCG for early PCT since (as far as I “know”) it does nothing for getting your body to naturally increase it’s Testosterone production and only works by it’s own stimulation of the testes to increase production of Testosterone while you’ve still got the HCG in you. Am I obviously crazy\inexperienced\underresearched (like I said, I’ve never tried steroids) enough for hoping\thinking that I could survive early PCT without HCG??? BTW, I don’t think I’d really care too much if my balls shrunk during the cycle (I think…).
Oh, and as far as needles go, I’ve got one question (I plan on using 1.5" needles and injecting into my quads). Is 25 guage too small? I get the impression that most people would say that it is, but I’ve also heard that they are doable but are pushing on being too small. Should I just go with 23 guage then?
Thanks, and I’d appreciate any comments, or suggestions!