Hi all. Today i started my first injectable cycle. 12 weeks (possibly more) of test e at 500mg a week with a 4 week dbol kickstarter at 30mg/ED. Also thrown in 50mg proviron ED and 20mg nolva. I am very gyno prone so that is the reason for the proviron and nolva. PCT Nolva - also have clomid, should i use this as well?
Stats 5’10’’ weight as of this morning 220 (15st10).
A few questions:
Are Rotexmedica a half decent company? - Thats where my test e is from.
Should it take ages to inject 2mls of test? - I was doing a glute shot (my first ever) and it literally took forever to inject a single ml of oil into myself. I warmed the oil as i have read to and used a 23g needle which i didnt think was small enough to really limit the flow of oil. I had to stop after 1ml went in as i was shaking like a shitting dog with a) the relief i had the balls to pin myeslf as i really do have a needle phobia. b) i had a needle full of test sticking out my ass and my injection technique probably sucked - but hey, i’ll learn. This leads my to my third question.
Should i shoot another 250mg the same day to make it up to 500mg this week, or, as i have read, shoot 2x 250mg weekly? I cant imagine i would worry about pinning more regulary as it went in very easily once i summoned up the courage and stopped being a pussy. My glute feels a little sore now mind. Basically i’ll do whichever is the more reccomended practice.
Cant wait to get into this cycle - iv’e done a 30mg dbol ED cycle for 6 weeks (i know, i know) and it literally blew me away - truely amazing stuff.
Thanks for any replies.