First (Proper) Cycle/Injection

Hi all. Today i started my first injectable cycle. 12 weeks (possibly more) of test e at 500mg a week with a 4 week dbol kickstarter at 30mg/ED. Also thrown in 50mg proviron ED and 20mg nolva. I am very gyno prone so that is the reason for the proviron and nolva. PCT Nolva - also have clomid, should i use this as well?

Stats 5’10’’ weight as of this morning 220 (15st10).

A few questions:

Are Rotexmedica a half decent company? - Thats where my test e is from.

Should it take ages to inject 2mls of test? - I was doing a glute shot (my first ever) and it literally took forever to inject a single ml of oil into myself. I warmed the oil as i have read to and used a 23g needle which i didnt think was small enough to really limit the flow of oil. I had to stop after 1ml went in as i was shaking like a shitting dog with a) the relief i had the balls to pin myeslf as i really do have a needle phobia. b) i had a needle full of test sticking out my ass and my injection technique probably sucked - but hey, i’ll learn. This leads my to my third question.

Should i shoot another 250mg the same day to make it up to 500mg this week, or, as i have read, shoot 2x 250mg weekly? I cant imagine i would worry about pinning more regulary as it went in very easily once i summoned up the courage and stopped being a pussy. My glute feels a little sore now mind. Basically i’ll do whichever is the more reccomended practice.

Cant wait to get into this cycle - iv’e done a 30mg dbol ED cycle for 6 weeks (i know, i know) and it literally blew me away - truely amazing stuff.

Thanks for any replies.

Your numbers don’t add up, unless your test is dosed 125mgs/ml. Did you shoot 2mls? Or 1?

Anyway, you should be shooting 250mgs two times a week at least (E3D is better, but twice a week will do). Do your injections on Monday and Thursday if you go with the former. Practice injecting in your mind, going through the motions with an empty syringe and this will go a long way toward helping you over your fear of pinning.

Also, I would HIGHLY recommend you get arimidex for gyno/estro control on cycle. NOT nolvadex, as you are going to reduce the effectiveness of the nolvadex for use in PCT later on.

Also, don’t go over 12 weeks. You’ll probably find that you really level off after about 10 weeks, and too much after that is just going to further suppress you without any added benefit.

The base cycle you have looks good, though. If you find you tolerate dianabol, you can even up that dosage to around 40mgs a day. How are you taking the dbol? I take mine 3 times a day, about 6 hours apart.

Good luck.

Never heard of that company.

How long is ages?

If you have read on here that everyone is reccomending that you do the injections 2x/wk or E3D which do you think you should do?

Even being gyno prone it makes no sense at all to start throwing back nolva at 20mg/day.

If you like/dont mind injecting do it every 3-4 days.

if you hate it and wish it wasnt a part of your life… send the goods to:

Joe Brook
Brook House
Brook Lane

Or inject 500mg once a week.


[quote]Cortes wrote:
Your numbers don’t add up, unless your test is dosed 125mgs/ml. Did you shoot 2mls? Or 1?

Anyway, you should be shooting 250mgs two times a week at least (E3D is better, but twice a week will do). Do your injections on Monday and Thursday if you go with the former. Practice injecting in your mind, going through the motions with an empty syringe and this will go a long way toward helping you over your fear of pinning.

Also, I would HIGHLY recommend you get arimidex for gyno/estro control on cycle. NOT nolvadex, as you are going to reduce the effectiveness of the nolvadex for use in PCT later on.

Also, don’t go over 12 weeks. You’ll probably find that you really level off after about 10 weeks, and too much after that is just going to further suppress you without any added benefit.

The base cycle you have looks good, though. If you find you tolerate dianabol, you can even up that dosage to around 40mgs a day. How are you taking the dbol? I take mine 3 times a day, about 6 hours apart.

Good luck.[/quote]

Thanks form your reply Cortes,

To clarify, my test is dosed at 250mg/ml and i injected 1ml, so as far as i understand i have 250mg of test floating around in me now. Thanks for the info about cycle length, i’ll stick to a 12 weeker then. I’m pretty much over the whole pinning thing, it just took a lot of courage on my part to stick the damn thing in the forst time. I have no friends that also juice, their more into the whole ‘frat boy’ style of training and the thought of a NO Explode ‘cycle’ excites them, so i’m on my own when it comes to first hand experience.

I feel a little silly asking this, but, assuming i started on Friday, E3D would mean my next injection is due Monday right?

I have plenty of nolva but no arimidex, i can get hold of some though. Would 0.25mg ed be enough or 0.5mg ed? And just supposing i can’t get any arimidex, would my clomid do for PCT as a change from nolva?

I take my dbol pretty much the same as you. Split as evenly throughout the day as i can manage.

[quote]LillGuy001 wrote:
Never heard of that company.

How long is ages?

If you have read on here that everyone is reccomending that you do the injections 2x/wk or E3D which do you think you should do?

Even being gyno prone it makes no sense at all to start throwing back nolva at 20mg/day.[/quote]

They are a German med company that supply hospitals. Just wondered if anyone else had any experince with their stuff. I feel like iv’e taken a good kick to ass this morning, but nothing crippling like other people have talked about, so i’m assuming its fairly pure stuff.

As Cortes suggested, would you also reccomend switching to arimidex, and if so how much? Or perhaps halving my nolva dose?

Thanks for the reply.

[quote]Joe Brook wrote:
If you like/dont mind injecting do it every 3-4 days.

if you hate it and wish it wasnt a part of your life… send the goods to:

Joe Brook
Brook House
Brook Lane

Or inject 500mg once a week.


Thanks Joe, i’ve sent them over in a clear plastic bag marked ‘STEROIDS - Handle With Care’ so they’ll get to you quickly and without confusion.

Excellent! I’ll sign for them myself!!


[quote]Sentinal wrote:
Cortes wrote:
Your numbers don’t add up, unless your test is dosed 125mgs/ml. Did you shoot 2mls? Or 1?

Anyway, you should be shooting 250mgs two times a week at least (E3D is better, but twice a week will do). Do your injections on Monday and Thursday if you go with the former. Practice injecting in your mind, going through the motions with an empty syringe and this will go a long way toward helping you over your fear of pinning.

Also, I would HIGHLY recommend you get arimidex for gyno/estro control on cycle. NOT nolvadex, as you are going to reduce the effectiveness of the nolvadex for use in PCT later on.

Also, don’t go over 12 weeks. You’ll probably find that you really level off after about 10 weeks, and too much after that is just going to further suppress you without any added benefit.

The base cycle you have looks good, though. If you find you tolerate dianabol, you can even up that dosage to around 40mgs a day. How are you taking the dbol? I take mine 3 times a day, about 6 hours apart.

Good luck.

Thanks form your reply Cortes,

To clarify, my test is dosed at 250mg/ml and i injected 1ml, so as far as i understand i have 250mg of test floating around in me now. Thanks for the info about cycle length, i’ll stick to a 12 weeker then. I’m pretty much over the whole pinning thing, it just took a lot of courage on my part to stick the damn thing in the forst time. I have no friends that also juice, their more into the whole ‘frat boy’ style of training and the thought of a NO Explode ‘cycle’ excites them, so i’m on my own when it comes to first hand experience.

I feel a little silly asking this, but, assuming i started on Friday, E3D would mean my next injection is due Monday right?

I have plenty of nolva but no arimidex, i can get hold of some though. Would 0.25mg ed be enough or 0.5mg ed? And just supposing i can’t get any arimidex, would my clomid do for PCT as a change from nolva?

I take my dbol pretty much the same as you. Split as evenly throughout the day as i can manage. [/quote]

Nolvadex is usually good, but if i was you i would have some adex on hand incase you run into problems and the nolva isnt working. For some 0.25mg a day is loads, and for some 0.5mg isn’t quite enough, so if i was you i would assume you need 1mg a day then start low and build up if you need to, you cant go wrong from there.

E3D would mean Monday, then thurs, Then Sun, Then Weds… But you will find that equals over 250mg 2xa week, it is about 600mg a week i think…

Hope this helps.


[quote]Joe Brook wrote:

Nolvadex is usually good, but if i was you i would have some adex on hand incase you run into problems and the nolva isnt working. For some 0.25mg a day is loads, and for some 0.5mg isn’t quite enough, so if i was you i would assume you need 1mg a day then start low and build up if you need to, you cant go wrong from there.

E3D would mean Monday, then thurs, Then Sun, Then Weds… But you will find that equals over 250mg 2xa week, it is about 600mg a week i think…

Hope this helps.


Thanks Joe, Iv’e used adex before and 0.25 ED was enough, with test would i need more? And does your body build up a resistance to it over time/prolonged use? I can get adex but it’ll take a week.

250mg test E3D will equate to just over 583mg a week, so near as damn it 600mg. Thats fine - i’ll do that.

Thanks for your help.

[quote]LillGuy001 wrote:

How long is ages?


Forgot to say earlier,

Ages was several minutes i guess, i must admit that my mind wasn’t entirely focused on how long the injection was taking, more so on trying to stop myself tearing up the inside of my glute with a needle. It did feel like it took longer than it should have done though, and after about half of the first ml went it the rate flow slowed dramatically.

Does this mean the muscle around the injection site was saturated with test? And if so should i have just left the needle in for several minutes and then started to inject again as this may have given time for the test to disperse?

Sorry for the long-winded reply!

Yes. Get adex ASAP. Don’t bother with the nolva until post-cycle. Start with .25mgs EOD and you can increase the dosage if you need it from there.

600mgs a week is fine. It should be a good cycle for you, provided your training and diet are what they should be.

And yes, your next injection will be Monday, then Thursday, etc.

[quote]Cortes wrote:
Yes. Get adex ASAP. Don’t bother with the nolva until post-cycle. Start with .25mgs EOD and you can increase the dosage if you need it from there.

600mgs a week is fine. It should be a good cycle for you, provided your training and diet are what they should be.

And yes, your next injection will be Monday, then Thursday, etc.


Thanks for your help Cortes.

Second injection today, must say it was quite an enjoyable experience. My fear of needles seems to have completly left me, and the whole procedure was a much more relaxed and controlled experience.

Usual boring routine: showered, warmed amp up (a little more than last time), drew test up, swabbed site, injected, swabbed again and stuck a plaster on and massaged for a while. So far i dont have the dull ache i got after about 6 hours on the first shot, but im expecting it to come tomorrow, although not as badly as i had last time - not that it was bad. Feel pretty confident with pinning myself now, and may try quads if im feeling brave at some point - is a 6 day rest long enough for a glute shot?

Dbol seems to have kicked in because i managed 110 pound dumbell bench today with reletive ease. I love that stuff. Hopefully test will suprise me even more once it kicks in…

Try using the ventroglute sites and delts, too.

Joe Brook, you are a riot!

[quote]kroby wrote:
Try using the ventroglute sites and delts, too.

Joe Brook, you are a riot![/quote]

Ventrogluteal looks a little daunting at the moment, i think i’ll leave that one for when im a little more experienced! Delts - are 23g 1.25’’ needles ok? If the length is a problem i guess i can just push it in less deep, but is 23g too big for a delt shot?

Thanks for your reply.

23G is fine anywhere. I don’t even feel delt shots with that exact size of needle.

Also, VG site should not be any more daunting than a delt shot, and it’s a lot easier to get to because you have the use of both of your hands. I honestly don’t see why so many people find this site bewildering. There just isn’t that much to finding it and the benefits to it outweigh those of any other site.

See Jakes ventrogluteal site post (just down the page, I believe) for a full discussion with explanatory nudy pics.

Thanks Cortes, i’ll certainly consider it then.

I read the log and it made me want a fuller explanation of the site, i stumbled apon this:

and it seems to explain things pretty well. I feel reasonably confident that i could locate the spot using this info.