21, training 7 years, only 3 of which were intensive, started when I was 13-14 but nothing serious just local ymca and sport etc. Was a university wrestler, graduated last year. Squat 365, DL 440, Bench 305. Havent run anything before. Currently lean at 190 and want to get to 200 or above, nice and diced for a photo shoot.
Proposed Cycle:
400mg deca a week
400mg test enanthate a week and also taper for 4 weeks after taking deca out @ 100mg a week
Nolva two-three weeks into the cycle every other day until the end of the deca and also the end of the test
Run T3 4 weeks on 4 weeks on, or just pre-contest/photo shoot
I chose to add the test cause I think test should be run with most other stuff and I want to get good results from the deca so it makes sense to add it. Nolva is to balance out hormone levels and take care of any side effects, also have the ability to get proviron or masteron. The T3 is just tog et nice and shredded, for stage and in front of the camera. Any other recommendations other than 4 weeks on 4 weeks off?