Just thought i’d let people know how my first cycle is going.
I’m currently finishing up my third week.
I’m taking 500mg of test e a week
and 50mg of dbol spaced out throughout the day.
i took 30mg of dbol for my first week.
started out at 5’10. 178 to 180 pounds
i’ve gained some good weight and now weigh 195 first thing in the morning.
Haven’t noticed any crazy strength gains yet, but a little bit.
I have been lifting for 8 years.
My entire cycle is:
Test E 500mg for 10 to 12 weeks (whatever i have enough for)
Dbol 50mg for 4 weeks
Nolva, clomid for pct 20mg a day.
Right now my bench is at 315 1RM
and 225 for 12
deep squat 315 for 4
If you are going to push it for 10-12 weeks you might want to consider a STASIS, a SERM might not work. Also your novla dose should be something like 40/40/20/20.
On another note how long have you been on the cycle? 50dbo a day you should have seen results by now from my understanding.
If you don’t get strength gains from dbol & test; I’d have to conclude that your gear is not up to snuff. Research a good source and try again. I don’t know what the range of reaction is, but I think these two compounds combined pack quite a power increase on pretty much anyone using them at proper potency. I personally added 50% to my squat and bench.
There is a lot of questionable gear out there. Weight gain can sometimes be explained simply by increased eating.
Getfast - AAS seem to be very person specific.
I get no - or barely noticeable - strength from Anadrol, yet Dbol really kicks my strength up!
Test does about as much as deca - which isnt much!! 10-15% or so as a guesstimate…
Willith - glad to hear you get good results from your cycle, i remember privately advising you on its construction.
IFBB - its hardly the worst mistake and i have done similar myself, especially before i learnt the amount that gets left in the barrel/needle complex.
OP - you were on dbol at 30mg the first week so only really been taking it for 2 weeks at 50mg. give it another week or so.
I wouldnt advertise that you have been lifting for 8 years and are 5’10" and only 180lbs dripping wet!
Is there anything to control the conversion of estrogen, or do you split the 500mg over multiple injections during the week for the most stable levels which CAN help reduce sides from high and low dose AAS levels (higher wavelength of drug in blood with single injections)?
[quote] Brook wrote:
IFBB - its hardly the worst mistake and i have done similar myself, especially before i learnt the amount that gets left in the barrel/needle complex.
I know I was having a bad day and just overall have been frustrated with the amount of ignorant use of AAS on the board lately.
i split up the injections on Mondays and Thursday and take the dbols split up evening throughout the day.
as for my weight, i don’t train like a body builder cause im not.
i have to be able to keep my 40 yard dash down to a high 4.4 so i run or do some sort of sprint exercise 3 to 4 times a week.
I didn’t mean to brag, i just thought i was pretty strong for a person only weighing 180 pounds.
anyways, thanks for the help
squat depth is restricted by one or two commom problems:
Your hamstrings are too tight
you need to focus on dynamic stretching preworkout and static stretch post workout. Focus on lightweight (or even bodyweight) depth squats, and learn to feel the hamstring and listen to what it’s trying to tell you
You have crappy hip mobility.
you should look into some deep tissue massage or even chiropractic treatments to assess your hip joints. Make sure there isn’t a physiological reason you suck at squats (there most likely isn’t). Look up “Magnificent Mobility” and watch it. Make sure you do dynamic warmups and don’t jump into activity cold.