Hi guys, first of all y speak spanish so sorry for my english.
I have a few years of training on my back and i think this is the right moment to do it plus i wanna see how steroids works.
I want my first cycle something basic like test and deca, but i dont know how to do it, like dosages etc, and how to do a proper postcycle so i dont loose the gains.
I have told about this topic with the boss of my gym (he is my “teacher”) and he is doing advice on me on how to do it. But since im a complete ignorant in this topic i dont know if what he says is correct or not, so i need your opinion.
So the question is how to do a proper cycle and postcycle of test and deca (i want it to be 3 months long).
Just Test 500mgs a week divided into 2 shots every 3.5 days. 12-14 weeks
Have Nolvadex on hand for gyno, run Nolvadex for PCT. Wait 2 weeks till after last shot of Test, then start PCT 40/40/20/20
Do some research and you will see everything I just told you has been asked and answered on these forums. It is not recommended you run too many compounds for a first cycle, so that in the case something goes sideways, it is easier to pinpoint who the culprit was.
I already answered that for you. What happens if you have a reaction to one of the compounds? Do you know how to identify which compound caused the reaction? Also, can you recognize the signs of high and low E2?
10 weeks is standard but I do believe it’s a bit short, you only start making good gains around week 6 so you dont have a lot of time left if it’s only 10 weeks.
Looks good. Deca dick is a thing its what keeps me from using it. With that being said id be interested in seeing a study on out of 1000 people using deca how many get deca dick. I bet its only a handful. If you are gonna add s compound go for the deca. Or add a dry oral the last 4-6 weeks