So Iâ??m planning my first cycle to begin in a year or so. Iâ??m in no hurry to begin until every part of my plan is lined up to a T. Iâ??m 23 years old and have been training for about 8 years, initially lifting for athletics in highschool and going on to powerlift in college. Having graduated this past year, Iâ??m simply back to a strength training routine. Iâ??m not working up near 1RMs very often, as Iâ??ve been diagnosed with genetically degenerated L4/L5, L5/S1, and SI Joint-related sciatica.
To reflect this, I have cut my lower body lifts to 50%, capping AMRAPs at 20. Iâ??ve had great success with Jim Wendlerâ??s 5/3/1 program, and plan to continue its use throughout the cycle. Strength is my primary goal, with hypertrophy as an added benefit. Iâ??ve bulked and cut multiple times, coming down as low as 158lbs, low BF (caliper tested 6%, multiple trainers) and getting up to 190 @17% BF, currently 183 @12% BF. This cycle will be a dirty bulk, but my Celiac gut and gluten-free diet keeps me on the cleaner side, especially limiting my simple carbs.
Current stats are:
183lbs @12% BF
Bench: 250x9
OHP: 150x12
Squat: 200x20
Deadlift: 235x20
My plan is to run an 9 week cycle of Test E @ 500mg/wk. From my research, I would prefer to run HCG as well to keep baseline test levels and minimize the desensitizing of Leydig cells.
I particularly would like to know if this PCT protocol is appropriate given the HCG dosing, as well as more opinions of HCG dosing, as there seem to be some varied opinions, especially with bothering to use HCG on a smaller cycle like this.
Iâ??ve done a good deal of reading, but would also like further opinions on Arimidex vs. Aromasin, my thoughts being that an estrogen rebound is less likely if Iâ??m going to spot fix with Aromasin. Would anybody recommend 12.5mg Aromasin ED instead of waiting for sides? Also, is there sense in running Clomid at 100/100/50/50 alongside my Nolva?
I also plan to run bloods prior to and after cycle, and possibly during.
W 1-9 Testosterone Enanthate, 250mg 2xWk
W 3-9 HCG, 350iu 2xWk
W 12-15 Nolvadex (40/40/20/20)
On hand: Aromasin
Any and all advice appreciated!