Hi everyone
I’m 18 5’6 about 60kg , planning to run sus 250 for 10 weeks . 1ml per week. I will only take nolvadex if needed,anyidea on how much i should get just incase am getting about 20 tabs will this be enough.
after the cycle ,will run clomid for 10 days 2 tabs per day 20mg. been training for 2 years for bodybuilding , eat 4-6 meals a day. train 4 days a week . from this cycle just wanna gain some mass as am cut .
please give me some feedback and advice here as i have done lots of research i appreciated.
you are much too small. 5’7" at 60kg is nothing dude. if you are eating and training hard you should weigh much more than this. juice isn’t gonna get you where you want. wait until you are in your mid 20’s. train hard and lift heavy until then so that when you do hit the juice you have something for it to work with.
[quote]FuriousGeorge wrote:
you are much too small. 5’7" at 60kg is nothing dude. if you are eating and training hard you should weigh much more than this. juice isn’t gonna get you where you want. wait until you are in your mid 20’s. train hard and lift heavy until then so that when you do hit the juice you have something for it to work with. [/quote]
thanks for the advice
am actually 5’6
strength is quit high for my size i just want my mass too increase as i have tried everything i will see how it goes
I advise you give yourself a few more years to find out what kind of size you can put on. You are still a teenager, and at your age haven’t even matured fully into a man.
250mg of sostenon per week is very comparable to testosterone replacement therapy. It will shut you down, but size increases will be poor. Don’t confuse water retention with size.
You would need to do twice as much to get any benifit.
Furthermore your pct is spotty at best. The clomid will be wasted, as the first 10 days you will be nowhere near ready to recover your normal hpta function anyways.
Do you really want to be 18 and the only boy who can get it up? That can be quite a tramatic experience at your age.
Finally you are entering the prime years of your life. I advise strongly that your learn to listen to what your body is telling you above all else. Lift to avoid injuries, as that is how you grow, provide that your diet is on point. Steroids now will rob you of this great opportuinity.
I will honestly say, that the money you spend on AAS right now, will be better put to use by employing a very knowlegeable trainer, and diet guru.
Search for one in bodybuilding circles, as their knowledge at your age can make a huge difference. I guarentee if you do so you stand to still put on a lot of size naturally.
I sincerely hope you take my advice into consideration.
hey bro i know a guy that has been taking gear since he was 17 he is now 19 and has spent loads of money on gear he is a huge motha. at this age test levels would be high so the amount of test u shoot would almost be eqaul to wat you already produce, you may see results because you are taking roids you actually thinking its doing somethin yet you will see the same results not using gear. so its pretty much a waste and pointless.
i reckon you get some Alpha Male and a heap of protein eat every 3 hours with a good diet and you will see some nice natural gains bro and at the end of it you be able to keep it all , but doing this you can practice the things you need to focus on before using aas.
Thanks alot guys
I will take your advice and wait few years then i might consider gear in the future