First Cycle... If You Were Me!

Hey guys, My names San. I’ve been a long time lurker on these forums and finally decided to join. Wanted to thank all you guys for contributing to these forums as they have been one of my most important sources of info.

Im 5"10 and 163 lbs about 15-16%bf. Ive trained for 3.5 years on and off…At the moment I am not in the best shape I was at 165 lbs and about 11%bf a few months ago, I recently broke my hand and took 3 mos off and got a little soft. I am ready to start again and since I’m almost 22 years old, I am ready to start a cycle. (What a long wait it has been lol.)

I know most people are against using Pro Hormones and advocate using real AAS gear… I’m not against needles if it means a safer and more effective cycle, but obviously I would prefer Oral if it were acceptable…

RIght now I have a pusher near me who has 4AD 1AD and M1T , I was considering the M1T and 4AD stack but I cant bring myself to try even a 2 weeker with all the scary gyno related posts I’ve seen online

If you were me what would a relatively safe, effective and good cycle be to try including necessary PCT and or Immune\ Liver support?

So… I guess if someone were able to give me 2 time tested safe cycles… A real gear (AAS) option - And a Prohormone (oral ) alternative…

Also, please no bashing, Im pretty set on this and right now my best option is the M1T. I have researched and researched and Im sure you all know with the huge amount of contradicting information, success stories, horror stories, how hard it is to find the truth.

Im asking you guys to give me a few solid options both oral and AAS which are relatively effective and safe, as well as a proper PCT to go with them.

[quote]Lookingtogain wrote:

Im 5"10 and 163 lbs about 15-16%bf. Ive trained for 3.5 years on and off…At the moment I am not in the best shape I was at 165 lbs and about 11%bf a few months ago, I recently broke my hand and took 3 mos off and got a little soft. I am ready to start again and since I’m almost 22 years old, I am ready to start a cycle. (What a long wait it has been lol.)


5’10" 163lbs @15% is not an ideal situation to be using steroids.

You say you are ready but I find that hard to believe. Ready means you know how to train well and eat well, to the point that you can conciously manipulate your body weight and composition with ease. 139 pounds of LBM at 5’10" means that you have plenty of weight to gain. You should be able to throw on 25-30 pounds of muscle with food and supps pretty easily at your level of development.

I understand where you are coming from, I do however have a very small frame and I am POSITIVE that there is no way I can possibly put on 30 pounds of lean muscle. Not a chance. 10 maybe but not 20-30, not in a hundred years lol. Just to get up to what I was before I was eating over 1g of protein per Lb bodyweight for MOnths and months, doing a full 4 day split (over an hour in the gym) on a very good plan, taking creatine, N02 and getting adequate sleep. With my frame, 10 pounds of muscle is ALOT trust me…

My goal is to start the cycle once i gain a few more pounds and shed some bf in the process. At my best, (which I am going to get back up to before I cycle ) I was benching 200lb x 3 reps, Curling 50’s , and deadlifting 300 x 4…

I know , not huge numbers, but I really am not genetically blessed, and for me they were quite an accomplishment…

Having said that,
Im more than open to suggestions for a meal \ training plan that I can use to build up my base before I cycle, If it takes 3 months, thats fine. 6 Im ok with, if im making progress. My problem is that Hardgainer diet and training plans never work because I tend to gain mid section fat easily and dont want to end up looking like cutler in the off season lol.

How many inches around are your wrists and ankles?

[quote]Lookingtogain wrote:
I understand where you are coming from, I do however have a very small frame and I am POSITIVE that there is no way I can possibly put on 30 pounds of lean muscle. Not a chance. 10 maybe but not 20-30, not in a hundred years lol. Just to get up to what I was before I was eating over 1g of protein per Lb bodyweight for MOnths and months, doing a full 4 day split (over an hour in the gym) on a very good plan, taking creatine, N02 and getting adequate sleep. With my frame, 10 pounds of muscle is ALOT trust me…

My goal is to start the cycle once i gain a few more pounds and shed some bf in the process. At my best, (which I am going to get back up to before I cycle ) I was benching 200lb x 3 reps, Curling 50’s , and deadlifting 300 x 4…

I know , not huge numbers, but I really am not genetically blessed, and for me they were quite an accomplishment…

Having said that,
Im more than open to suggestions for a meal \ training plan that I can use to build up my base before I cycle, If it takes 3 months, thats fine. 6 Im ok with, if im making progress. My problem is that Hardgainer diet and training plans never work because I tend to gain mid section fat easily and dont want to end up looking like cutler in the off season lol.[/quote]

You just don’t know what it takes to actually gain weight. 10 pounds of muscle (along with, say, 3 pounds of fat) should be the bare minimum you achieve naturally this year alone. That is an almost comically low amount of weight gain for someone at your stage of development.

When you stopped gaining weight did you consider eating more? Or did you give up because you ‘knew it was impossible’ to gain more weight naturally.

I’m still not convinced you have the capability to gain weight WITH the use of steroids if you cant get past 160 pounds at your height.

ho know more about this cicle?
10-20 mg Naposim
10-20 mg Noldavex
50 mg B6
about 3 months
Tamoxifen cure

i need to know if that need some extra water
and if any of y knew some diat prog.

Wtf!? Where do these people come from?

[quote]Danielcdstgt wrote:
ho know more about this cicle?
10-20 mg Naposim
10-20 mg Noldavex
50 mg B6
about 3 months
Tamoxifen cure

i need to know if that need some extra water
and if any of y knew some diat prog.
Thanks [/quote]

English is not your first language (I hope) which makes your post very hard to decipher.

Start a new thread, that can be understood, and please don’t make it about a 12 week D-bol only cycle. Hijacking someone elses thread is inappropriate.

what is this tamoxifen cure and where do i get it?

Sorry for my bad englisch but i try to do my best


D-Bol/30 mg/day
Nolvadex/10 - 20 mg/Day
Vitamin B-6/ 200 mg/Day
12 weeks

Clomid Therapy

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7

Week 1
300 mg
100 mg
100 mg
100 mg
100 mg
100 mg
100 mg

Week 2
100 mg
100 mg
100 mg
100 mg
50 mg
50 mg
50 mg

Week 3
50 mg
50 mg
50 mg
50 mg
50 mg
50 mg
50 mg

3.5 years on and off? WTF? You sound like my idiot friend that is has barely trained for not even 6 months and already wants to run superdrol. “I want to get huge fast.” he says proudly. IMO, at 22 you have nothing to bring to the table. Your actions will only be justified by you. My advice is, slow the fuck down and give hard work and a strict diet a shot.

m1Ts suck mmmkay. Dont bother with them. If you have researched them as extensively as you claim to you would not even consider their use.

Even with all the posts on this site there should be enough there to make you realize that.

if you have been at a level that is above where you are now I would recommend working to get back to that level first and then cycling to surpass that.

It is realy easy to get back to where your body has already been (should take about a month or two tops) and then use the gear to get to a level you wouldn’t be able to get to clean.

In my opinion this is really the only good way/reason to run gear otherwise you are just wasting your money and possibly risking fucking up your health for nothing…

If that doesn’t work for you then I would ask you this: if you can’t put in two months of hard work clean now to get back into shape how the fuck are you gonna put in 3+ months of hard work and strict diet to maintain your gains when you come off?

[quote]Thatguy1083 wrote:
How many inches around are your wrists and ankles?

wrists are 8.5 inches! Boo yah!

And yah that german guy threw me off haha, tamoxifan cure? EH?

After 3 months off you’ll blow up with good training and diet!!

Thanks a lot guys
but look at this

[quote]Danielcdstgt wrote:
Thanks a lot guys
but look at this

Why do you insist on hijacking threads??