First Cycle For Strength..

hey guys, im planning on taking my first cycle this summer. ive been studing up on them alot, and many people have given me recomendations for my first cycle. im looking for a cycle that will give me pure strength. i dont care about looks or mass, ijust wana be strong. ive hurd that my first cycle should be 500mg Test Enth for 12 weeks, but im not sure if i should stack anything with that. any recomendations?

also, i havent seen any scientific proof, but what are the chances of getting gyno from a al test cycle? i hurd its like 1 in 5 million chance.

It is much easier and IMO better to gain size and strength concurrently rather than just trying to gain strength.
Your proposed 12 weeks of Enanthate I assure you will cause an appreciable amount of weight gain and mass increases.
Test is a good strength enhancer to be sure. Anadrol is notorious for rapid bulking and surges in strength while on the product but those results can also be fleeting once you come off.
Tren in most can seriously enhance strength.
Dbol and even Anavar can also cause noticeable strength increases. Heck, most gear will cause strength gains. Deca, EQ you name it.

As for your gyno stats its much closer to 1 in 5 than 1 in 5million. Pay attention to estrogen control and PCT.

Do more research. However, Test and Tren is likely where you’ll end up

[quote]sapasion wrote:
It is much easier and IMO better to gain size and strength concurrently rather than just trying to gain strength.
Your proposed 12 weeks of Enanthate I assure you will cause an appreciable amount of weight gain and mass increases.
Test is a good strength enhancer to be sure. Anadrol is notorious for rapid bulking and surges in strength while on the product but those results can also be fleeting once you come off.
Tren in most can seriously enhance strength.
Dbol and even Anavar can also cause noticeable strength increases. Heck, most gear will cause strength gains. Deca, EQ you name it.

As for your gyno stats its much closer to 1 in 5 than 1 in 5million. Pay attention to estrogen control and PCT.

Do more research. However, Test and Tren is likely where you’ll end up[/quote]

Are you sure they cause anything?.. The eating and training is what causes the strength gains, the juice just helps… right? :wink:

[quote]sapasion wrote:
It is much easier and IMO better to gain size and strength concurrently rather than just trying to gain strength.
Your proposed 12 weeks of Enanthate I assure you will cause an appreciable amount of weight gain and mass increases.
Test is a good strength enhancer to be sure. Anadrol is notorious for rapid bulking and surges in strength while on the product but those results can also be fleeting once you come off.
Tren in most can seriously enhance strength.
Dbol and even Anavar can also cause noticeable strength increases. Heck, most gear will cause strength gains. Deca, EQ you name it.

As for your gyno stats its much closer to 1 in 5 than 1 in 5million. Pay attention to estrogen control and PCT.

Do more research. However, Test and Tren is likely where you’ll end up[/quote]

so then, what would you suggest for my first cyycle? shuld i just stick to a all test cycle? or is their some kind of pills i should stack with it?

also, is gyno really that big of a worry on a all test cycle… people have told e not to worry about it unless im using d-bol or winny… i was thinkin about using sust. because of its low estrogen effect and side effects, but its a lil out of my price range.

You’ll get big and strong on pure Test. Dosage levels are what will dictate how much estrogen related problems you encounter. 500mg’s a week or less is unlikely to be problematic. 800mg+ it’s probably wise to have some type of estrogen control on cycle. Proviron or Nolva minimum, maybe even adex. Bodies do have a fair amount of variance though.

I think first you should read up a bit more so you actually know wtf you are putting in your body instead of just taking our word for it.

From you post I would think that you would prob want something like a stack of test and tren but you should really figure that out on your own.

What are your goals?

What sides do you want to avoid?

What do you have available?

If your goal is to gain strenght then IMO you should train for strenght i.e keeping reps around the 5 mark and doing plenty of singles. When I wanted to get strong for rugby I trained the exact same as a powerlifter would. I think as the other guys have already expained there is not really any cycle thats gonna give you a load of strenght without some wieght gain.
However the quality of lean muscle mass which you gain in a cycle can be improved somewhat by talking anavar and other similar steroids. However overall the ratio of strenght gain to weight gain which you will get out of a cycle will be mostly influanced by the way you train. You will find as you read through other fourms that many different athletes such as powerlifter, bodybuilders and sprinters use a lot of the same gear. Good Luck


Everyone reacts differently, ive heard of guys getting gyno from Tribulus and i know guys that run a gram a week with no problems at all.

One thing I didn’t see, excuse me if it’s in here, is what is your age? I had gyno from 1/2 a tab of anadrol a day at 19, and I only took it for 30 day, 5 days on/2 off. I also got gyno on my next cycle at 23 yo, on 500 mgs. sustanon/week for 8 weeks. Since then, I have done probably 10-12 cycles (maybe more)and haven’t had gyno since.

I use all the OTC anti-estrogens, but I’m also 33, so I’m not pumpin’ test from my nads like I used to. I also shortened my cycles of each substance, and I have pretty much been “on” since August, switching every 6 weeks, 2 substance each cycle right now. I guess what I did was became smarter, well, not smarter IQ wise, but with how my body reacts. Everything in moderation!

Oh, and as far as strength without weight gain, crash has some good advice. Look into some lean PLers (yes, they exist) routines. Speed is king when training for strength. Fred Boldt from Westside barbell competes at 165 and benches, in competition, around 600 lbs.

So it is possible to gain strength and never gain weight. But most of us in here are more BBing minded, so that’s why we like the muscle hypertrophy with strength gains, it’s a welcome “side-effect!”