I’m starting my first cycle this week. My stats are, 5’9, 160, 23 yo, 8.8% BF
Bench - 305 x 1 rep
Squat - 345 x 1 rep
Dead Lift - 350 x 1 rep.
I have been lifting hard for about 7 years. I have never done any supplementation or anything besides creatine and protein, and my diet is clean.
Cycle is:
Weeks 1-8 Test E 350mg once a week (every wed)
Weeks 4-10 Anavar 40mg ED
Weeks 10-12 PCT Nolva 40/20/20
Should I use Possibly A-Dex at 0.25 mg EOD? And for what weeks if I should? Do you think I’ll need it? Is there anything I’m missing?
My goals are to just gain 15 pounds LBM while maybe dropping down to 7% BF before summer. I know its my golden cycle and i should be doing a heavy bulk but I don’t want to gain more than 15 lbs.
The support supps I have are : Anabolic Innovations Life Support (has liver, prostate, cholesterol, and BP support), Glucosamine/Chondroitin, R ALA, Saw Palmetto, and omega 3,6,9
My diet will remain clean, I intend to try to take in 4500-5000 Calories a day including one weight gainer drink with 1000 calories in it at night. I have whey protein for immediately following workout and casein for every night. I’m trying to figure out if I need to take the adex, and what kind of results I can expect? I train 4 days a week, and trust me my diet is clean.
My questions are simply in the cycle, if I’m doing it correctly to minimize sides, and what the results I can expect off of those dosages/stats. not the training.
I really appreciate it