First Cycle - Dbol+Test E (Rookie Question)


I hate to be the newbie on the forum asking this as I know everyone hates it.
After multiple days of solid research I’ve got my first cycle 90% but I was hoping someone with some experience could just double check.

Age 27
Height 5’8"
Weight 160lbs

Goals: Not really set, I have no idea what to expect from a first cycle. 10lbs of muscle would be great :smiley:

1-4 DBol 25mg 1x/Daily (Oral Pill) (As its my first cycle would Dbol be wise to skip and still see good gains on Test E alone?)
1-12 Test E 500mg (Tues 250mg / Fri 250mg) (May inject 500mg once per week)

Arimidex 1 Pill = 1mg
.25mg every day on Dbol
.25mg EOD after.

  • Thanks RXX
    How do I take .25mg of a 1mg tablet? Physically break it or? (Dont laugh haha)

15-16 Nolvadax 40mg 2 Pill/Daily
17-18 Nolvadax 20mg 1 Pill/Daily

I wanted to keep it fairly simple, I wasn’t initially planning on running Dbol oral but have decided to.
I know about HCG and how good it is to use during the cycle BUT honestly I have decided to not use it and rely on PCT to kickstart my balls. As its not 100% needed. Sorry again to all the guys with the excellent information on why HCG is good.

You should be able to source Arimidex online and get it sent to you, run that at 0.25 ED while on Dbol and then 0.25 EOD after dbol. Also do Nolva at 40/40/20/20 for PCT in my opinion. You can do test only cycle, I did that my first time. It’s got to see how you react to test etc but adding the dbol make it a lot more exciting and kicks in a lot faster as apposed to waiting 6 weeks for the test to start taking effect.

Seems alright to me, there is no reason why you cant use two compounds instead of one for your first go round. Mine was test and tren as a matter of fact.

You should definitely gain more than ten lbs, that is while on of course, what you maintain after the drugs are gone is a different story.

I would recommend 2 injections per week, the more stable you blood levels the less likely you are to have side effects that accompany fluctuating hormone levels; the more injections/wk, the more stable blood.

HCG is great, no one likes small balls, plus it makes recovery much smoother but as you say its not 100 percent required, however once you do a cycle without and one with you will understand.

So far as AI goes, you always want to run AI during cycle in the presence of aromatisable steroids. There are those who dont use unless something comes up. This is unwise IMO, and even though you may trade off some size gain (which imo is mostly water anyways) there are worse things to contend with having high estrogen levels in men than gyno such as bad lipid profiles and liver damage.

Aromasin is not the first choice, but it will do the job, however if you have 12.5mg pills you will need quite a few; standard dose is 25 mg a day; take your 12.5’s at different times in the day, preferrably with fat that aids in absorption of aromasin. Begin with standard dose and adjust from there; you don’t want too high or too low estrogen. Rules of thumb is low libido and water bloat = too much estrogen, low libido and dry/achy joints - too little estrogen. Good thing about aromasin is that it can be used during pct if needed, although probably wont be needed, whereas the mroe effective and popular arimidex would be unsuitable fr that purpose. AI is typically ran all throughout cycle and tapered off while test begins to clear.

You will probably need more nolvadex, especially without hcg. Standard pct protocol for nolva following 10-12 wk cycle is 40/30/20/20mg a day for 4 weeks. It would also be wise to keep some extra on hand to take if gyno symptoms appear during cycle. AI is preventative in that regard while nolva is corrective. 25mg a day until it subsides.

Thanks for the replies.
I decided to change up my AI to Arimidex like RXX said.

Just quickly, whats the best way to take .25mg of a 1mg pill?