First Cycle After 15 Years of Training

ht 6ft
wt 217 lbs
arms 17.5"
waist 40"
thighs 27"
calf 17"
chest 48"
age 38

bench 340 x 6
squat 440 x 8
bf not sure but not good

hi all,
Ive been training for 15yrs on off ,and eating anything ,also been on the same strength levels for ages(no surprise),ive decided to take things serious diet and training well for the last couple of months and the lbs of lard are coming off,but really want to increase size,i’ve never used before and would welcome comments on 10 week cycle below,im looking for a lean 30lb body wt increase in 12mnths split with over 2 cycles,is this realistic at my age?

deca durabolin 200mg pw
sus250 400mg pw
dianabol 25mg day for 6wks
nolvadex 20mg day as needed

For your first cycle you could gain 30 lbs. of lean mass. Although I must say few stop after 1 successful cycle. I really would simplify your cycle and just run test for 12 weeks. Don’t get me wrong, the test/deca/dbol combo is great but not needed for a first cycle.

Several suggestions:

  1. run an AI during cycle for estrogen control and save the nolv just in case gyno occurs.

  2. Use either test cyp or test e instead of sust for easier injection protocols.

  3. Use 500mg/week test.

  4. Use a test taper as PCT

thanks for the advise,
i will post a log and pics when i start cycle in april.

thks for advice,
I will post pics and log ,when cycle starts in april

If I were you I would hold off another month or two past april until you cut that bf level in about half.

At your age and that bf and then add in steroids and your blood pressure may not like you anymore.

thks for advise,
will do