I have done two cycles of sust/EQ both dosed at 600mg/wk both times for putting on weight/size.
Background: Most of my life I have been obese was 350+ for years, Started losing weight and lost 180lbs back when I was 22, now 26 and have been maintaining right around 200lb for those 4 years with a body fat % in the mid-high teens. I did my two ever cycles between about 2 years ago and gained 30lbs with same body fat % from them and kept about 20.
I am now looking to do a cutting/recomp cycle for the first time with the goal to end up around 195lb but leaner and dryer.
I am looking at a cycle of:
500mg/wk test e wk 1-16
50mg/eod tren ace wk 3-5 then bump to 75mg/eod until week 12
100mg/eod mast prop 3-12
This is just a rough sketch and I am open to suggestions I also have anastrozole dossing at .5mg eod
and have tamoxifen and anastrozole for PCT.
I did HCG in my last PCT. I may use it again, but I didn’t notice much difference in recovery with or without it other than it reversed some of the Testicular atrophy. Do you think its worth it, I can get it pretty easy. Also what would you dose the HCG at maybe that is why I did not notice anything last time.