Couple questions about blasting and cursing.
I take 50mg twice a week of Test Cyp (100mg total per week) I’m doing my first blast, I’ve jumped to 200mg twice a week (400mg total)
Questions I have.
-Is 8 weeks an appropriate amount of time for a first cycle.
-When my cycle is done, should I tapper down back to my 100mg or can I simply go from 400mg one week to 100mg the following.
-How long should someone cruse for before the next blast? 2 months on, 2 months off?
-Lastly, I take Test Cyp from my TRT doctor, however I can only get enanthate from the “gym” is it ok to switch to E while blasting and back to the cyp for crusing?
Thank in advance for your help
I’m a little confused, are U the one 18/ 19 Y/O that just changed your post right now?
If you are that guy, do you really have low T this age (18/19)? (sorry for asking, but I do need to know)?
If you are on TRT, with doc prescr., I would recommend you ask your doctor if it’s OK to take a higher dose not from pharma grade. I’m telling you that, just because you’ll need to return to your doc with certain frequency for monitoring and another prescription test, so he’ll get your blood and, you know the rest…
or run and find a new doctor immediately because one that prescribes an 18 year old TRT is clearly whacked out of his mind
I see no mention of an AI. 100/wk no problem most don’t need one. 400/wk your E2 and prolactin is going to go thru the roof. An no eating veggies and taking DIM won’t be enough.
8 weeks is fine…400 isnt a monster cycle but you would see gainz… You need an AI for sure at that dose. Id do .25 eod and bump up to .50 if you feel bloated. I dont run AI at 100-200 either and Im generally fine on my cruise but at 400 you will or youll feel like shit.
Lots of guys just do .50 eod cuz its easy just to snap the pill in half… As far as prolactin goes Ive never had issues on test cycles…I think thats more when you start messing with Deca or Tren…but thats my $0.02 A pretty standard newby cycle is this…
500 test cyp
Anastrozle .25-50 eod
HCG weekly 500
then PCT or back to cruise dose
IMO its good to start with one compound then as you do more cycles try new stuff this way If you have a issue with something you can pinpoint it and fix it…Dont be the guy that does 15 things first cycle and gets bitch tits, breaks his dick, and goes bananas
Im currently on my first blast and cruise. I normally take 175 MG/wk of cyp taken @ 50Mg EOD. Im currently taking 350 Mg/week with 250 Mg NPP/wk and .2Mg anastrozole EOD (thats point 2)
Its been about 6 weeks and Im feeling great. Nice strength gains and Ive gained about 5 pounds so far. I plan on running this for about 16 weeks total. Then Ill drop down to my normal TRT dose.
Getting bloods on Friday so I can check E2 levels, then I will adjust the anastrozole accordingly.
Questions I have.
-Is 8 weeks an appropriate amount of time for a first cycle - Yes, could be more, but it’s ok for first blast.
-When my cycle is done, should I tapper down back to my 100mg or can I simply go from 400mg one week to 100mg the following. It’s your choice, going from 400mg to 100mg will cause a little crash. I would tapper down, but it’s your choice.
-How long should someone cruse for before the next blast? 2 months on, 2 months off? You could do it, 2 months on, 2 weeks off if you want and if you take a look at your blood test and everything is ok.
-Lastly, I take Test Cyp from my TRT doctor, however I can only get enanthate from the “gym” is it ok to switch to E while blasting and back to the cyp for crusing? - Yes, it’s OK, if you trust the guy and drug… but I’d do some blood test (total testosterone is fine) to confirm… do it after 6/ 7 weeks… but you need to know where you are right now while on TRT dose
Thank in advance for your help - your welcome!
Thanks everyone for the help. Really appreciate it